Anyone driving on OE G2 BBS wheels, needs to take heed of this warning: Your plastic-tabbed Sneaky-Pete CENTERCAPS are deteriorating in their hostile environment of corrosive brake dust and heat. They have become brittle and fragile.
The caps will fly off if you hit a pothole too hard, and will go missing. Dodge has not offered any since 2012, and BBS sold out all of them in 2014. And the G2 BBS wheel is a unique size cap in the Viper world.
ASAP, please consider adding a thin ring of silicone-sealer to the back of the BBS tabs, or the wheel center, to essentially fasten the caps into your wheels in a dependable way. You can still push them out safely from behind if you need to, and re-silicone. And Sneaky-Pete wants to stay connected too!
If you disregard this advice, you may kick yourself later........
Please post an ACR-BBS cap photo if you are able? Ive been trying to post pix since 1995.....