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  1. #1

    Oil Seep Makes Me Sad


    I have this irritating oil seep located on the driver's side front of the motor. 1998 GTS. After the car has sat for a few days, there is a small oil stain on the floor. It is clearly above the main seal, and well below the valve covers. Looking down at the engine between the power steering pump and the timing cover, there is evidence of a minor leak. In the bottom of the photo is the power steering pump, with the rest being the timing cover showing old and new oil. The more I drive it the less it leaks, seemingly. Any ideas?

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    New Braunfels, TX
    Is anything drooling from your valve cover breather elbows, or the tee?

  4. #4
    I have checked all connections at the breathers, and they are dry as bone. I did notice some evidence of fine oil spray/residue in the front section of the valley, but not enough to pool. I'm suspicious of my timing chain cover or pcv, but I can find no easily identifiable location. A n n o y i n g . . . .

  5. #5
    Went through the same. You really have to identify it as either PS fluid or engine oil. I had both leaky PCV elbows and a leaky timing cover. I just replaced it all with new gaskets, PCV engine block grommet (that could be your culprit, as they become super dry after 20 years) and new OEM rubber lines. The timing cover gasket is not that tough in all honesty, as long as you have a second person to take off the hood (super easy, btw). Then it's an easy case of "may as well replace everything while I am in here". Any questions, just fire away.

  6. #6
    Well, I guess I will have to dig in. Seems like I saw a thread somewhere indicating a cracked timing cover that I believe it involved some welding and machining. I hope that's not the case. I suppose can't complain, as the Viper has been uber reliable for the past 11 years. Time to replace some stuff.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Solid Red 98 View Post
    Well, I guess I will have to dig in. Seems like I saw a thread somewhere indicating a cracked timing cover that I believe it involved some welding and machining. I hope that's not the case. I suppose can't complain, as the Viper has been uber reliable for the past 11 years. Time to replace some stuff.
    That would have been my thread with the cracked cover. Not sure how it happened, as it was leaky when purchased a few years ago. I would doubt yours is cracked, as most issues lie within the gasket (I was also leaking from the gasket on the other side). If you do take the cover off, be careful when loosening it from the block, as it will be stuck on there. For instance, hitting the upper bracket with a mallet could crack it, as would over-torquing the bolts upon install. I used some plastic pry tools that are made for interior panel removal to safely separate it from the block:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Solid Red 98, I assume that you are aware of the known increased frequency of failure of the timing chain cover gaskets used on 96-98 Gen II's. Some manifest as a slow drip, some fill the oil pan with coolant while the temp goes off the map. The cracked covers that I have seen seem to follow multiple attempts to stop a slow leak by re-torque of bolts multiple times...though I have no proof of same.

  9. #9
    Had to have both my timing chain cover gaskets changed in my '97 and '98. Very common issue.

  10. #10
    I want to get behind this, not just because I can't have the VIPER leaking oil, but the idea of coolant getting into the crank case, is terrifying. Thanks for the insights. I guess I have been lucky, not having it leak over the years.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Blair, Nebraska
    Definitely get behind it , as that beast of a V10 is your most costly repair if it become more severe. Get that baby checked out , soon.



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