Prepare yourself for historic Charleston for an exciting multi-day event scheduled for April 20th - 22nd! We'll take a scenic drive to a private island and attend the “Cars on Kiawah” event on Saturday morning where we'll have reserved spaces for our Vipers! We’ll enjoy some great restaurants throughout our stay and have plenty of free time to explore historic Charleston!
Initially we had ample time for our group to register our cars for the "Cars on Kiawah" event, but after communicating with organizers this morning, they informed us that a celebrity figure (Dennis Gage from My Classic Car) will be filming at the event and therefore registrations have gone through the roof! We were advised to submit our registrations on Monday, Feburary 19th! Unlike other car shows, THEY NEED NAMES because everyone gets a personalized plaque! Therefore, if you would like a GUARANTEED spot for the show, PLEASE REGISTER NO LATER THAN SUNDAY so we can submit our names to the organizers on Monday! We apologize for the short 3-day window to register for the event, but this was unforeseen.
Registration cost for the Charleston event is $35 PER CAR which will cover your registration for the "Cars on Kiawah" event. The club will be paying for your dinner for Saturday evening, so there will be no further expense other than your hotel stay!
Group discount hotel arrangements have been made at the Holiday Inn Riverview for $189 per night. The hotel has easy in-and-out entry, ample parking, and will reserve parking for our Vipers. There is also a FREE shuttle that will take you downtown in case you do not want to take your Viper! You may reserve your hotel room using the link below (group code "VOA"):
Again, we apologize the short notice to register for this event. We look forward to a great time in Charleston!!!
Brian, Jason, Patrick, and Larry
Your Carolinas VOA Team