No pics but i have a Nirve Switchblade and Schwinn Spoiler. did i mention these are bicycles.
No pics but i have a Nirve Switchblade and Schwinn Spoiler. did i mention these are bicycles.
Funny, I have been wanting to get a road bike for a couple of years, told the wife I wanted something FAST for the road, she keep saying your going to kill yourself on it. So I said ok, then I'm going to get a Viper instead.... Everybody is happy, happy, happy now!
tumblr_lxpz2x6cpo1qe294fo1_500.jpgits always good to know how to negotiate properly with the wife..... good move !!
Last edited by KRATEDISEASE; 02-13-2014 at 08:18 PM.
It's not big, it's not fast, and it's not particularly flashy, but it's my set of 2 wheels and i love every minute of it.
Last edited by LeadfootRT10; 02-13-2014 at 11:18 PM.
My Kawasaki ZX-14 with a little bit of nitrous
I also have 2 ZX-10R's one is a turbo bike and the other is all motor that makes around 205 to the tire.
Many have a Love-Hate relationship with their Commandos but once you get them running right, its one awesome ride
Here's as recent one I did. It has the classic Black and Gold colors you mentioned but it has the large Interstate tank so it may look a bit different then the one your friend got
Last edited by commandomatt; 02-14-2014 at 09:37 AM.
My Schwinn pea picker Krate
I learned to ride on a Road King; Fat Boy is one of my favorite bikes.