I was going to change spark plugs and the problem child cylinder (#9), was being a pain in the ass to get the plug wire off. After 13 min of drunkenly tugging, I had failed at removing the spark plug boot so I resorted to angrily yanking. At the 18 min mark, I succeeded at ripping the spark plug boot aprart which made me pretty upset, even though I knew it was about to happen.
Anyway, new spark plug wires and spark plugs in hand, I removed the intake manifold and got everything together with not too many more angry outburst.
From this, I have 2 questions.
1: For many reasons that involve anger, I didn't put the cylinder #9 intake bolt (the PITA one )back in. I plan on taking it to a professional... *Eddie* because I don't want to cross thread it. In the meantime, will not putting that bolt in, cause me any real problems? So far no CEL.
2: Is anyone else running Bosch 9656 spark plugs, or any other Double Iridium plugs? If no, why not?