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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Viper GTS Fuel Door NEW Product Proposal

    Hello everyone...we are working on a full replacement billet fuel door for the 96-02 Viper GTS. We are shooting for a price range of $495.00-$550.00 complete. It will be available in a choice of finishes including chrome, clear anodized, and colors. Plastic pins will be replaced with metal pins. Better materials and superior finishes and topping it off with a much more affordable price!
    Let me know what kind of interest there would be for it and if we could get a group of at least 15 to make it worth the run. Pic attached is of an OEM door and not our proposed production part.
    Thanks John or (770)722-2587
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2

  3. #3
    Can you offer some custom designs? Snake head or something to set them apart as well?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Yes...we can do that. It would have to be a custom design so we don't have copyright issues.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Great idea! Mine looks awful and I would definitely be in on this, but funds are lacking at the moment. Will the pins and other hardware be aluminum? From my understanding dissimilar metals seams to be the biggest cause of the corrosion that plagues these fuel doors.

  6. #6
    Id be in for just a nicer non polished one....

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    The biggest issue has been fuel vapors eats the clear off of the aluminum and then they corrode. Plus the aluminum is not of the highest quality. My manufacturer and I have been discussing pins material type and will definitely solve that problem.
    It definitely looks like there is interest in making them so keep the names coming in. Once there is enough response I can move forward. There is just a big setup fee so I have to know they will sell. Thanks

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    John, you might want to consider posting your product proposal on the "Dodge Viper Parts - Buy/Sell/Trade" FB page, and perhaps a few other Viper FB pages. I think you might find additional interest on those pages. Wishing you great success.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Great suggestion...Thank you!!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Pleasure John. Just saw your post on the FB page. I'd be interested, but the one on my Viper is in very good shape; and, I have a backup door in storage. However, I would be interested in the hardware because the plastic parts and cheap latch pieces are old and will need to be replaced in the near future. There are no aftermarket hardware parts, so most have to try and fabricate them. Looking forward to seeing your replacement door and hardware! Best, Jim

  11. #11
    Just trying to save you time. Speedway motors already makes one with metal hardware for just a tad more than $100. It doesn't come with the right base (meant for cobra replicas) so you have to swap your base over. If you're solves that challenge it may be worth while otherwise there's already something out there.

    Pic of there.
    Last edited by 98RedGTS; 01-13-2018 at 10:03 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Nice piece...I had one of those in the past. Biggest problem with doing something like that it pushes the price up having to buy the units and only use part of it. More cost effective to just make the whole unit.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Looks like a lot of interest so I am going to proceed with R&D. I am putting a list together so if you are interested please email me Thank you...John

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by 98RedGTS View Post
    Just trying to save you time. Speedway motors already makes one with metal hardware for just a tad more than $100. It doesn't come with the right base (meant for cobra replicas) so you have to swap your base over. If you're solves that challenge it may be worth while otherwise there's already something out there.

    Pic of there.
    Sure glad someone figured that one out. Lol. Still the best bang for the buck if your cap is toast. Pins and latch swap right over.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    I would like opinions on what finishes everyone would want. The choices are polished with clear anodizing or triple chrome plating. They will be billet instead of cast, all pins will be stainless instead of plastic, and finish will give a better durability than the original clear coat paint. Give me your thoughts.
    Thanks as always. John

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Tucson, Arizona
    I think brushed would have looked great on my 02 when I had it.

  17. #17
    I have a Cal chrome it really pops.

  18. #18
    I'm interested but would like a stock looking finish (pre corroded of course)

  19. #19
    brushed or Black

  20. #20

    I would be interested in a polished one.

  21. #21
    Since I'm nursing a few broken ribs and a punctured lung, I won't be driving the toy for another few weeks or so
    I got bored and had to do something. So I decided to tackle the fuel door. No lifting or strenuous work necessary. Removed the bolts, lubed the rubber seal up a little, twist and pull. Came off pretty easy. I like the OEM look and will probably have it re-polished and sealed. We have a local guy who does Cermakrome but I'm not sure how well it will hold up to fuel exposure.


    I took it apart and planned to visit ACE for new hardware. HOWEVER... was wondering with those who have been down this path already what hardware did you use. I managed to save the roller and noticed the little spring. Since the plastic pin was slotted and square on one end to secure the spring, unless there's a replacement pin just like it (I doubt it) I imagine the spring action will be lost. Not that I noticed it anyway.

    Thank you in advance,

  22. #22
    This is what I used. Worked perfectly and looks great.

    Not sure why it wont link to the right product. Go to the link above then:
    - Binding Barrels and Screws
    - Tamper-Resistant Torx Binding Barrels and Screws

    I tried to find the exact parts but couldn't locate them in my receipts. Just measure and order. You do lose the use of the spring.

  23. #23
    I bought a cheap repo cap. I did ditch the plastic roller and pins. I swapped all the brass pins over to the oem cap. The latch and nice stainless roller swapped right over. Cost me ~$120. Also gave me a spare polished cap. IF you just want the pins you can pick up the scratch and dent ones they have for ~100 or less. I did try to reach out to the manufacturer about just buying pins and latches but go zero response.

    Speedway motors cap

    Other ....
    Last edited by ducatithunder; 03-23-2018 at 09:21 AM.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by 98RedGTS View Post
    This is what I used. Worked perfectly and looks great.

    Not sure why it wont link to the right product. Go to the link above then:
    - Binding Barrels and Screws
    - Tamper-Resistant Torx Binding Barrels and Screws

    I tried to find the exact parts but couldn't locate them in my receipts. Just measure and order. You do lose the use of the spring.
    Thank you!
    Did some checking and found these Part #'s:

    #96754A107 (2) 1-1/2" long
    #96754A108 (1) 1-1/8" long This is a tad short of the 2-1/4" I measured.

    AFTER posting this I did a search..I know I know......> <....... I found where Dave6666 provided measurements and link to mcmaster also, which confirmed the dimensions needed. Dave6666 used shoulder bolts. Both appear to work however, I think the binding barrel & screws will provide a cleaner look. We shall see.

    Now it's time to get it re-polished.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by ducatithunder View Post
    I bought a cheap repo cap. I did ditch the plastic roller and pins. I swapped all the brass pins over to the oem cap. The latch and nice stainless roller swapped right over. Cost me ~$120. Also gave me a spare polished cap. IF you just want the pins you can pick up the scratch and dent ones they have for ~100 or less. I did try to reach out to the manufacturer about just buying pins and latches but go zero response.

    Speedway motors cap

    Other ....
    Yep.. I actually looked at that when you posted earlier. That would have been ideal if it was just my cap but my base is also in need of re-surfacing. Can't have a clean polished cap and a pitted worn out looking base. So I have to get the base done anyway. Might as well do it all together eliminating any variance of visual quality.

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