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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    New Jersey

    Post I started a new photography website

    ...And I'm still surprised it took me this long!

    But it's finally up and I know I haven't really posted much during 2017. I did some driving work for commercials, press releases, it was a chaotic year for sure but right now between the new website and other projects down the line I'm looking forward to 2018. I'm hoping this year I can put in some really passionate time into creating some well-rounded stories and imagery that'll excite people. No, I won't be limiting it to just Vipers or cars in general BUT to expand it to people in the automotive industry, the aftermarket, and so on. I'd like to do something different than what content is already readily available. So without further adieu...

    You can check it out here.

    I have a bunch of sweet galleries featuring IMSA and auto show coverage over the past few years, some personal artwork and a video section, the new blog for articles and I'll add more as the year goes along, but for now it's a start and I'm curious as to what you all think! Hopefully sometime within the next few weeks, before February I hope, I'll have up a new video about something but I started my yearly prep and inventory of equipment today so I should be ready to go tomorrow.

    Oh and I do plan on traveling back to Texas. Texas is a must for me.


  2. #2
    Congratulations on the new venture. What gear do you shoot with? I am thinking about getting a rig so I can do some shots of my Viper and a few other ones in South Florida. I rarely ever see any shots with them and my buddy's blue ACR would just look amazing I think.



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