Originally Posted by
Steve M
Torque management will intervene on a Gen 4 regardless of wheel spin. The Gen 4/5 PCMs use torque based calculations to control what the engine does under different circumstances. I'm not sure what exactly goes in to that calculation, but pulling timing is the quickest way to get it under control if the PCM thinks the engine is delivering too much torque to the rest of the drivetrain. In other words, as long as the PCM calculates a torque value above some threshold amount, it will pull timing to get it back under control.
I fought this for the better part of a year with my 2008, and I knew it was an issue because I wasn't getting the timing values I was commanding. It was very consistent, however, so I was able to ask the HPT guys to dig back through the code to find two additional tables that controlled the spark advance (both were labeled mean best torque or something like that)...I changed the values in one of the tables, and the problem got worse. I changed the other one instead, and the problem went away completely. Those tables were also added for the Gen 5.
No more timing dip meant I was getting full torque delivery at all times. Do I have a dyno graph to back that up? Nope, but my car has trapped a best of 130 in +2000 DA weather with a 3650 race weight, without headers. I know it is making power, and it is all in the calibration.