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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Hurricane, WV

    2016 ACR Setrab Diff and Trans Cooler Install

    Figured for longevity and extended track runs it was time to install a diff and trans cooler on the ACR. All coolers, fans, hoses, relays, AN fittings and thermal switches supplied by Setrab, a few fittings from summit, electrical relay from painless and i made all the brackets. Marv from Setrab was wonderful in helping me set this up and even overnighted a few parts as i figured out exactly what i needed. This is a very similar setup from the Gen 4 ACR X, except for the fans and housing, im not sure who made them for the X, and Setrab has some very nice fanpack coolers with Spal fans already attached to them. The Viper frame is a lot thinner than i had imagined, i was thinking i could tap it, but ended up using rivnuts on all holes drilled into the frame. All the pumps, coolers, and wiring block are mounted to hard rubber for vibration dampening, and all wiring wrapped with friction tape. Everything is wired to only come on with ignition and the temp sensor come on at 180 and go off at 160. The ACRx i believe is wired direct to battery and stays on after the car is shut down if needed, i figured this would kill the small ACR battery too quick and i could leave the car running if they are still on as I get to the pits. The trans pump comes on with the diff pump as there is no good way of installing a temp switch directly into the trans, as there is not port directly to the fluid. The fans come on once the fluid in the cooler hits 180 so it only runs the through the cooler until the fans are needed.

    Trans note.
    I'm not sure if anyone else has this problems but i know of 2 more, but the Tremec trans vent is notorious for spitting fluid, i thinks is a g-load problem not a temp problem, A call to Tremec and they will tell you just to move the vent higher, so while in there i took the original vent off and add a rubber trans cooler line vented to the engine bay up the fire wall with the pcm wiring harness, seems to be far enought from the exhaust manifolds and running it to the rear wasnt continuously up hill. At this time I've got it vented to a fuel filter but will change that soon to a breather can. There is a 13 mm bracket that holds the hard plastic line to the trans on top, if you take the bolt out the vent tub will slide off, I cut it and put the hose on with a hose clamp and bent the bracket around a socket to make it larger and reinstalled the 13 mm. I park my car on a lift and get tired of everytime i come back from the track it will drip fluid that was vented until you take the pan off and clean it all up. This only happens on track.

    Going to test the car at Road Atlanta this weekend just to make sure everything is working and with no leaks. As winter is near, next year ill put a temp sensor in the diff to see what the fluid is running with and without the system turned on. Also considered taking the brackets back off and doing them in carbon fiber, not really needed but would be a tad lighter. I'll also put together a parts list and wiring diagram if anyone is interested. Contact me if interested as I can also save you on Setrab parts.


    Last edited by lmcgrew79; 11-24-2017 at 02:56 AM.



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