I'm trying to search "module" in the "Gen I/II" section and it just doesn't work. When I click on "Search Now" it says "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."
Doesnt work.jpg
I'm trying to search "module" in the "Gen I/II" section and it just doesn't work. When I click on "Search Now" it says "Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms."
Doesnt work.jpg
I get some results if you expand the parameters. Try searching for "module" in all posts (not just titles).
2008 SRT10 Open Roof (1 of 2)
2022 BMW X5M Comp
Resident Misanthrope
"Search Entire Posts" instead of "Search Titles Only", still no luck. Nothing!
I get 3 results with what appears to be the same settings as shown in the original post using "Search Titles Only"
Using Google Chrome on a desktop computer.
I thought that was a member option only...?
Please, I really need help on that one. A forum without a search function is pretty sad!
works for me on several browsers
I don't have a clue why you are having this problem. However, as a workaround, google can search the overall forum, it just can't return findings limited to one sub forum or limited to titles. I find it to be a better way to search a forum than through the forum software.
The way that you would search for module is entering the following text into the google search box:
module site:driveviper.com
Unfortunately, it is still pretty sad not being able to limit the findings only to Gen I/Gen II...
The built in search function in vBulletin is lacking. But, I am able to find the results you're looking for with the following steps:
1. Click Advanced Search in the top right
2. Click Search Single Content Type
3. Select "Search type:" -> Posts
4. Enter "module" in keywords, with "Search entire posts"
5. Highlight "Gen I/Gen II" in "Search in Forum(s)" under the Additional Options header
6. Click "search now" at the bottom of the page
Last edited by MuRCieLaGo; 11-02-2018 at 11:54 PM.
I just configured my search using google chrome browser as follows and got a return of 3 threads
103118 search.jpg
103118 search results.jpg