What colour will they be?
I'm interested. Do you still have the ti lug nuts?
What colour will they be?
I'm interested. Do you still have the ti lug nuts?
Nuts are in stock and the color is a dark gray. If not coated the color would just be bare Ti. Photo for contrast.
Haha thanks I think this is my new marketing slogan.
- - - Updated - - -
Sent you a PM. Thanks
I bought this tool: http://www.freedomracing.com/wheel-s...j-45270-i.html and modified it as shown to clear the hub. I'm sure you could hammer them out but wanted to go this route to be safe. Studs will come out easily front and rear on the car. I may offer rental of this tool (core charge that is refunded when the tool is returned). I have a first run of OEM length on the way, not coated, will be $325 a set of 25. I will ensure they press in OK and see how they work.
Yes, I see your point clearance looks borderline on the front. I think worst case you’ll have to loosen the hub to gain space but I don’t think you’ll have to take it all the way off. So procedure in theory would be press studs lose and then loosen hub as needed to allow them to clear.
Hi Doug,
Getting ready to order replacement wheel bearings (rears show some seepage) soon and would be a good time to install your wheel studs. Checking in to see how far out before the wheel studs are ready for purchase.
Right now I am fine tuning the knurling, it’s difficult to match Ti and steel exactly. As soon as that is done I can go into production, it will be more than a few weeks out.
Appreciate the update and look forward to the product.
Sorry, just saw this.
It's been three rear studs. Another one a weekend or two after I posted that.
I'm pretty anal about hand threading lug nuts on when swapping wheels/tires. So they weren't cross threaded going on. However, when swapping wheels, after about 1/4 turn it was obvious the studs were either deformed or cross threaded when the lug was coming off. There was no choice but to snap the stud with a breaker bar.
Before the fall season starts in Florida, I'll be running extended and hardened wheel studs and will probably start running these lugs.
And I will NEVER go to the track again without 2 full sets of front Kumhos.
To correct my post...it was two rears and a front. The rears are a pretty straightforward replacement. But the front hub has to come off to change front wheel studs.
Anyone have experience with this tool? Seems like an inexpensive way to insure the new studs are seated straight.
Any update on the titanium studs Doug?
You can just stack up some washers or put a nut that is bigger over the stud then use the lug nut to pull it through.
The puller. You go around the hub and align the puller and try to get concentric to the stud head and then crank down on each stud. They pop off pretty easily once you crank down with a 1/2” ratcheting wrench. When putting the new ones on, you insert and then you can choose your method. I chose to stack up washers and then used one of the old lugs I had to tighten with an impact. The stud will pull flat against the back of the hub.
Design is finalized and we are in production. Will be getting them coated as well.