I've been thinking about a dashcam for awhile. Lets be honest, people get dumb around fast cars. Passing you on double yellow, etc.
Bought http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00...?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Part of the reason was I could rig this up to the pigtail for a radar detector. The dashcam has the same power draw as a radar detector (actually a bit less). So, wiring it up with the pigtail would be a breeze. Plus, best of all, no exposed wires at all.
Deciding on a place. Thought about right of mirror, but it chopped off some of the left hand view of the car
Decided to mount it on the plastic piece below the mirror. Not an optimal spot. I may move it in the future if it annoys me. The benefit to the spot above is it really isn't visible to the driver.
View from outside
All that came with it
Pigtail that came with the car
Getting the piece above the mirror wasn't that hard. You want to pull on the upper portion (upper and lower)
Pigtail plugs in right there (drivers side)