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  1. #1

    New to owning a Viper, questions about it with photos. Trivia?

    Hello there!

    I just got my 2003 Viper from a dealership and I'm not entirely sure if the previous owner had some modifications done to it, which brings me to some questions which I included some photos since it's hard for me to describe it and I can't find anything from my searches. Thank you for your help!

    1. I don't have a jack low enough and it's difficult to see underneath the wheel well but I was wondering if the car has been lowered based on the picture. Thoughts?


    2. Are these rear diffusers stock or aftermarket?


    3. Is there a way to tell if from these pictures if the exhaust is aftermarket or would I need to disassemble in order to find out?


    4. From what I've searched, there's suppose to be a cover there that says "Viper". I'm looking for this part but I have no idea what this part is called, what do you call this particular part?


    5. Are these yellow and black belts underneath the driver and passenger seats suppose to be there? If so, what's it for?


    6. What are these wires underneath the seats? Click here for the photo.

    7. Regarding the seat belts, do the seat belts retract/pulling freely or is it somewhat sticky, it retracts slowly and have to push the leftover of what wasn't retracted into the housing?
    Last edited by eNigma; 10-13-2017 at 06:42 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Western NY
    1 - looks stock to me, but not a great picture.
    2 - look stock
    3 - see if the exhaust pipe goes straight towards the middle of the car or if it runs up the side sill. If it turns and runs up the sill its aftermarket. Stock crosses under your seats.
    4 - sorry, not sure
    5 - not in mine
    6 - not sure, sorry
    7 - no, mine work just fine

    Hope that helps some.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    4. You have an aftermarket roll bar in there with an aftermarket panel. The snap in filler panel is missing because somebody had 5-6 point harnesses in there and f=took them out. That is also the yellow belts on the floor.
    The wires are for the stereo amp and the seat belt warning light.

    Call Scharf for the missing panels 1 800 338 4002 ext 109

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Pretty sure that's an aftermarket exhaust. Stock doesn't have stainless tipps.

  5. #5
    1. Stock
    2. Stock
    3. Aftermarket
    4. Panels; 0XK36DX9AA (right) and 0XK37DX9AA (left), however - the mounting tabs have been cut off of the bulkhead so these will be useless unless you repair it. That is an Autoform aftermarket bulkhead that goes with the Autoform rollbar that you have
    5. Old harness lap belts, garbage
    6. Left and middle are in/out amplifier wiring, right is seat belt warning light
    7. Should retract freely. The aftermarket bulkhead is most likely causing them to bind up
    Last edited by SEASnake; 10-13-2017 at 08:00 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Exhaust could be tips but for sure never stuck out beyond sills and were not chrome. Easy to check like previous poster stated exhaust on G3s had a cross over from side to side, so if that's missing definitely not stock and generally better for keeping heat out of the cabin! They changed the exhaust to not have cross overs in the 2008MY and beyond.

  7. #7
    Looks like Harbour Freight is having a sale on the low profile jack. LINK

    I have one, works great.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Dania, Florida
    Race Ramps work great to get under Vipers. I prefer them over a floor jack for most tasks under the car.



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