Would someone post the instructions on removing the center Instrument display (The entire unit which has the speedo and rpm's etc) please ?
Would someone post the instructions on removing the center Instrument display (The entire unit which has the speedo and rpm's etc) please ?
Remove post.
Instructions were for 03 vert. Sorry
Last edited by wiech101; 09-24-2017 at 04:35 PM.
You are going to hate life if you do it!
I will post a step-by-step after I am done with mine this afternoon... I did it once already and I really hated the process... and it is a lot easier without a windshield installed, with a windshield you will be cussing up a storm!
You need to do the following:
1) Unscrew the stick shift and pull out the panel with the boot
2) Remove the Rear storage bin to get at the two bolts holding in the Center Counsel
3) Remove the passenger side handle
4) lift up on the center counsel to allow the center trim from around the radio to be removed later
5) lift out the center dash vent
Last edited by viperguy69; 09-24-2017 at 11:13 PM.
6) Unscrew center trim piece (two screws)
7) Pull off Driver's side A-Pillar trim
8) Pull out Drivers side speaker
9) Unscrew lower Drivers side knee trim (two screws at the underneath trim light switch part)
10) Pull off Driver's Side trim triangle that is between dash and center counsel - far end of picture
11) Remove center bezel that goes around radio
12) Unscrew three bolts holding int Driver's side dash panel in place
13) Pull toward you and lift left to right around steering column
14) Remove four bolts holding in speedo and unhinge the electrical connector (the red lever swing up and away from the speedo)
It's just that easy... a few band-aids are good to have around and be sure there are no children around for the language you will be using...
IS there a walkthru for the passenger side dash removal? I am stuck in how to do this portion.
Wow what amazing instructions, I totally missed this
have you seen this video yet? It shows lots of detail.
start video from the beginning.
Last edited by SRT BILL; 08-21-2020 at 07:25 AM.
Why are you all pulling the dashes apart? Seems like a recipe for raattles later...
It seems like no matter what car it is, removing dashes are a nightmare. I wonder what a heater core job is like in these things?
the dash is coming apart in the and I want to replace the dash panels.