The Northeast / Outer Banks Zone of the VOA of the Carolinas is involved with the 3rd Annual Coastal Virginia Auto Show. Tom and Rich have received numerous replies from our region members showing an interest in attending. Based on the telephone calls they have received, the event coordinator indicated if we could have 10 Vipers registered by early September, we could have our own separate Viper category with a Best of Show, 1st, and 2nd place trophies....not the kind of trophies I have been given out, but rather those of higher quality.
To help incentivize this event, the region will reimburse $25.00 to the first 10 members who register and pay the $50.00 registration fee.
Also, for everyone who registers, they will receive a free t-shirt and a goody bag. We need to register as soon as we can, so Tom and Rich can make plans for placing our Vipers indoors. If we get 10 or 50 Vipers to register, all Vipers will be indoors and showed together. The event coordinator needs to know as soon as possible how many Vipers will be attending, so they can make arrangement for additional indoor space if needed.
Details of show: Load in is between 9AM and 10PM Friday November 17. There will be 24 hour security provided. For safety and insurance reasons all cars must have less than 1/4 tank of gas when in the show. Battery must be disconnected in the show. Awards and trophies handed out Sunday with removal of vehicle from the event around 6PM Sunday.
If we can get enough people to come, Tom said he would reserve a section of the restaurant attached to the hotel ( for a club dinner Saturday Night. Check out the menu, it looks pretty good.
If enough people sign up, Tom will provide his commuter vehicle (Nissan Sentra) for anybody wanting to drive around and be a tourist at the ocean front.
Event Information:
Date: 17 November 9am - 10pm for load time of your Viper
Date: 18 - 19 November 2017 for the Actual Event
Links to the Event:
Tom's Contact Information:
Dodgefever on the VOA site
Email Address:
Tom & Rich thanks for coordinating this with the region, hopefully we will have a great turnout. For those that are interested or definitely going let us know via email or on the thread with a head count for restaurant reservations.
Jeff B.