Does anyone have the part number for the gen V hood pad and push pins?
Does anyone have the part number for the gen V hood pad and push pins?
Is this what you are looking for, 3 or 4?
Was thinking about getting this too, a little worried about making sure the hood paint is protected from the heat. Is it me or is the 3 item not linked/detailed? Hmm.
I'm looking for 3 for my ACR. Not listed on that drawing.
I believe this is the three vented hood and pad you were looking for.
I have one i can let go of for $80 with clips, + shipping
where are you located?
I can pick it up from you..... I'm in Houston as well. Sent you a PM. Also is this he GTS pad to the one that has the six holes for the ACR/TA hoods. Give me a call or text.
Last edited by Smokin; 08-21-2017 at 03:13 PM.