Greetings Viper Family,
Just venting about the way the 25th anniversary CAAP/M1 Concourse invitation went down. It appears that the local MCVO club nor the VOA had any input in the planning of the Viper send off celebration that is to take place in our own very backyard. I'm just curious if every executive board member and close friends with the local clubs board members had first choice of the preferred lawn parking (200 car limit) like our club executive board enjoyed. The vast majority of the club was not notified of the sign up until all the board members locked up their tickets, every last one of them!!! I never complain but this just seems too strangely convenient that the membership was left in the dark. I was of the impression that the boards responsibility was the membership first. Any dialog concerning this is just met with a song and dance around the issue and finger pointing. Its a shame that we had to request an invitation to only partially participate!!! I'm not the only one in the club that is furious over this. It appears our Board is self serving first, that's just my frustrated 2 cents.That does not include the folks from out of town/state that made hotel reservations only to be left out of half of the festivities. This should have been treated like a VOA event where everyone is included in everything, not the first 200 privileged with inside information. I understand that 5 local police departments were paid dearly for the personal escort from CAAP to M1 concourse. My dues are paying for something that i can not even participate in!!! Yeah, I'm slightly peeved to say the least. One fact that can be agreed upon by all is that this is truly a major cluster.

Mark Andring