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  1. #1

    Pulled over by a Cop in KY

    On Sunday, I drove from Detroit (where I met more Motor City Viper Owners at a C&C event) to West Union, OH to meet a friend / someone I've worked with years ago. Until I got there I didn't realize how close I was to the border with KY. Does anyone here know of the town of Maysville? We drove across the bridge and into Kentucky. We went looking for a place to take a few photos. Not three minutes across, there was a police car on my tail. I was thinking what they heck? I'm sure I didn't run a stop sign or speed in a town where the limits were 25. I pulled into a parking lot and wound down the window. The cop just wanted a photo of the Viper. So I got a photo with him and the Viper too. He said it's actually his first time seeing a Viper (if I heard him correctly), been a fan since he was a little kid.

    Dave my friend then asked for photo location suggestions, and he escorted us to the first location which was unfortunately closed off. He lead us to the other side of town and then blocked off the road for a couple of minutes while we took a couple of photos. Nice guy.

    Do you think a Viper fan like himself would be welcome to join a Kentucky VOA event? Definitely make his day for sure.

  2. #2



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