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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Fairport, NY

    P0171 Code After Belanger Full Exhaust Install w high flow metallic substrat

    1996 GTS 9,500mi

    I completed the installation of the full exhaust system from Belanger Headers today; long tube headers, high flow cats (metallic substrate), and cat back.

    Ran the car up and down the street after the install a few times and on one of the runs, the P0171 (Lean Bank 1) code was generated.

    To me, it's obviously something I did, but what?

    - I don't believe it's on the intake side, as I would expect the other bank to read lean too (P0174 code, not generating). I also didn't mess with the intake side, vacuum lines, etc.

    - The upstream O2 sensors had some seriously twisted cords and they got twisted further and back during the install, perhaps I ruined the leads on the bank 1 upstream sensor. I'm going to try swapping them to see if I generate the P0174 code instead of the P0171 code.

    - I'm also considering an exhaust leak. The upstream sensors are located in the runners for cylinders 3 (driver's side) and 4 (passenger side), I'm thinking the only leak that could affect those sensors would be the header gaskets themselves, which were entirely intact when installed. The header bolts are all tight, and I don't hear any leaks up there, but it's being considered. Leaks downstream from the first set of O2 sensors couldn't be causing this, right? I also don't have reason to believe there are any leaks along the entirety of the system. The downstream sensors couldn't be generating this code, right?

    - The brief instruction sheets from Belanger have a note that reads: "This product, in conjunction with your Viper's computer, requires at least 500 miles to recalibrate for air/fuel, timing and other critical settings to "dial in" properly. Running your Viper on a dynamometer (dyno) during this critical re-calibration time will result in poor "dyno" numbers and your Viper motor running hot." Does anyone know to what extent this "dialing-in" occurs and could this note be related to the issue I'm having?

    I wrote down my thought process in the hopes of sparking any tips or suggestions from the community. I'm on my own here and this has been one of my few bigger projects.

    Thanks very much
    Last edited by Vpr898; 07-08-2017 at 05:58 PM. Reason: Added model information

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Tonopah, NV
    My O2 sensor wires have gone bad twice. You're right -- extreme twisting.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Rocky Mountains
    It is an O2 sensor issue. With the headers you might need faster acting O2s. I had to put new ones upfront and that code went away on my 96' RT.


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