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  1. #1

    Aftermarket stripes

    My 15 GT is triple black. I was wondering if it is reasonable or feasible to have stripes placed on it?
    Love the color combos on here, and I'm wishing I had looked a bit harder to find one with stripes.

    Or should I leave well enough alone?

    Thanks for the help...

  2. #2
    Are you in Texas? i can recommend a shop to do it, gauranteed you will be happy with the work. Or did you want a wrap?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Houston Area
    Quote Originally Posted by texasram View Post
    Are you in Texas? i can recommend a shop to do it, gauranteed you will be happy with the work. Or did you want a wrap?
    I would like to know the name of the shop also. I am in the Houston area.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Jacksonville, TX
    Quote Originally Posted by texasram View Post
    Are you in Texas? i can recommend a shop to do it, gauranteed you will be happy with the work. Or did you want a wrap?
    I'm in Texas and would like to add stripes to my solid white GTS; what's the name of the shop? Will they do the ACR-style stripes with the large stripe in the middle and the smaller stripe off-center on the driver's side?

  5. #5
    texasram - What's the name of the shop? I've been thinking about doing some stripes on my Gen2

  6. #6
    Sorry, I'm in PA
    Not sure about a wrap. Trying to see what my options are...

  7. #7
    viper store has the factory correct stripes for you

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Los Angeles
    I think your best option will be vinyl. Vinyl now a days looks just as good as paint. And the best part is it is removable.

    The thing with paint is that you will have to get a reputable shop to lay the strips and blend the edges down properly. I know someone on here has a Stryker Orange ACR-E that they sent to Prefix directly to do factory stripes on it after the fact. I personally would go that route if paint is truly what you want.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Greenwood Village, CO
    I had the Viper Store vinyl stripes put on my 15 TA 2.0 and I think they looked great. Had professionals do the install as I didn't want to screw it up. They also striped the little piece on the back window as the kit doesn't come with that. If you have a wing you also need the extra wing pieces they sell. You can try vinyl and if you like them you can always paint later. I never did.

  10. #10
    I had a very good wrap company do my stripes and they came out great! I wouldn't and didn't stripe the wing but I did the piece over the back window. Also I have seen some of the online kits installed and they have wrinkles when I've seen them on the car. I'm not sure if the owner installed them themselves or had a shop install them but they didn't look very good. Both hoods are hard to stripe because of the air vents so make sure to have a reputable shop do the install. Painting them on could be done after you decide if you like the color and the stripes period.

    Here's mine Gunmetal Grey with silver stripes

    Last edited by IHOP; 08-27-2017 at 04:23 AM.



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