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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Correct on the PCV rubber grommet, I will get a new one ordered from the USA.

    Car has been fully decatted for a few years now, but the dirt on the back of the car seems a lot more oily and smeary than before. (normally its a dry dust that just wipes off, but when you do this now there are oil smears in the dust).

    Valve covers are stock, I have never had them off the car in 10 years of ownership! There are no baffles of any kind inside the catch can.

    Pic of Valve cover catch can
    IMG-20170522-WA0000 by Fatboy 18, on Flickr

    Windage tray in my car is stock, never touched it. Sump pan has the baffle flap plates installed to keep oil in the pan from surging to the front under braking.

  2. #52
    What does it look like when you open the oil filler on the valve cover (to poor in oil), do you see the rockers or is there just a metal plate (a baffle)?

    The only other thing I would suggest is moving the can over to the wheel well by the hvac box, you'll have much longer hoses with a bend in both lines and the air will have to go against the braking forces vs being helped by them... As a plus it'll be a lot easier to empty the can. Also it'll let you put an airbox under your filters so you aren't sucking in hot air from the radiator. You can see what I mean here with a picture of my old setup.... OGe1GhKh.jpg

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Got it, thanks. I am just off on a road trip with the Harley, friend of mine has a brand new PCV Valve grommet sitting on the shelve in his garage in North West London

  4. #54
    I would place the catch cans in the bay where there isn't very hot, the oil seperation would work better then.

  5. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Thanks everyone for the input. I now have some news! Im sure Dave will be along very soon to revel in my findings!

    Lets go back a bit...... So a while ago I had the inlet manifold off the car and changed out the thermostat for a 180 one.
    At the same time I removed the PCV valve (grommet) and decided I would like a nicer looking hose on the car connected to a Oil catch can.
    I fitted a red anodised hose finisher clamp to the pcv valve hard plastic tube and on the other end used a aeroquip fitting -8 to connect to the oil catch can.
    All was well I thought, then I started getting oil around the the pcv valve grommet and some of the chambers starting to fill with small pools of oil! I also noticed that there seemed to be a lot more oil around the engine recently with what I thought may be a leaking sump pan gasket?
    Well guess what I have just found!

    Today I managed to prize out the old pcv grommet (with intake manifold still in place) I removed the lower braided oil line to the catch can and removed the braided sheath. LOOK AT THIS!

    The inner rubber tube has split full length and had also almost blocked the pcv grommet! No wonder oil was going everywhere!
    I bought this tube with the braiding on it from a local DIY Store, it is now clear that this pipe has become contaminated with oil and combined with the heat has imploded and split!
    This is NOT an Upgrade!
    Sadly in the UK we do not have big Automotive stores like you guys have. Most things are purchased online.

    The rubber tube may have been OK for water but it has catastrophically failed with Oil passing through it!

    I wanted to share my findings so that others don't make the same mistake!
    Ile leave now and wait for the ridicule
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 07-08-2017 at 01:13 PM.

  6. #56
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post

    I wanted to share my findings so that others don't make the same mistake!
    Ile leave now and wait for the ridicule
    LOL that's hilarious, but no ridicule, at least you thought to check it haha.

  7. #57
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Im actually relieved that I found the problem. I was thinking I might have to lay the car up and start saving for a replacement engine!

  8. #58
    I called it! Remember I said to check the hose/connection? :P

    Glad you found the issue and it wasn't major. Those fake braided hoses are junk. Stick to the real stuff if you're going to UPGRADE

  9. #59
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Hey, I never said Upgrade! I was just trying to bling up the engine bay a bit

  10. #60
    If you get stuck Mark, SFS hoses do the proper silicone ones that cope with oil

  11. #61
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    New braided aeroquip OIL pipe fitted. Purchased a 90% PCV Valve (which actually is a Valve) It has a small plunger inside with a spring, it lets vapour out but closes on suction. I have left the catch can in place so we will see what happens.

    I managed to fit a new PCV Valve rubber grommet and the new PCV valve all without removing the inlet manifold, it was not easy and I had to use some long screwdrivers and a bent rod but its all in there now
    This is what the new PCV Valve looks like,
    Forget that rubber grommet in the picture, (thats smaller than the Viper Grommet)

    I took the valve apart before super glueing it back together to show you inside

    Top of Valve so there is now, no tight bend on the Aeroquip hose.

    I first inserted the Grommet back in the block using some silicone grease and it made fitting much easier.
    Then again smeared a little silicone grease around the centre hole of the rubber grommet and eventually managed to push the new valve into position.
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 07-14-2017 at 12:07 PM.

  12. #62
    Join Date
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    Sherwood Park, AB
    Happy to hear it was an 'easy' fix!

  13. #63
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Yep, not too bad, fiddling about through the intake manifold tubes was a PIA but I did not have access to any spare gaskets. Got there in the end after a few attempts.

    Ive run the engine up tonight, Good strong vacuum suction from the catch can to the intake manifold and can feel the engine venting from the pcv valve into the catch can

    Next step will be sorting out the valve cover venting.

  14. #64
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    South of London, Surrey
    Quote Originally Posted by ACR_VP View Post
    What does it look like when you open the oil filler on the valve cover (to poor in oil), do you see the rockers or is there just a metal plate (a baffle)?
    Sorry I did not get back to you on this, yes the Valve covers are baffled, you do not see the valves or rockers.

    And thanks for your pictures.

  15. #65
    I don't believe their is a valve on the stock one for that location. Keep an eye on things as I'm not sure what having the valve may do. Seems like it should be OK but I don't know these engines well enough to know. Glad you found the issue though.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by 98RedGTS View Post
    I don't believe their is a valve on the stock one for that location. Keep an eye on things as I'm not sure what having the valve may do. Seems like it should be OK but I don't know these engines well enough to know. Glad you found the issue though.
    You are correct, I have ordered another one of the Valves off ebay which I will remove the internal plunger and spring.
    I took the car out for a ride yesterday and checked the grommet and Valve for any signs of malfunction, but all seems OK so far. I also gave it plenty of wot bursts and checked again when I got home.

    Car show yesterday, car got plenty of attention

  17. #67
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    South of London, Surrey
    OK, More trial and error, Update on that PCV Valve I purchased above. I went out in the car a couple of times on short runs and all seemed well, but the engine note seemed slightly different, (a bit muffled), Anyways, I went out on a much longer run over the weekend and all seemed good. Then on the way home when coming to a stop a couple of times in light traffic, the engine cut out when I depressed the clutch. this happened twice!

    So tonight I removed the valve and found the plunger inside the valve to be stuck! So I guess that's why Dodge did not bother with an actual valve
    I have now fitted the spare replacement Valve I ordered but have removed all the internals so in other words, a reducing tube with a 90% bend

    All done with Intake manifold in place.......PIA

    This is all for information should anyone be thinking of an Upgrade You learn something new everyday

  18. #68
    Join Date
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    Sherwood Park, AB
    Resurrecting this old thread,
    Fatboy, where did you get that 90 Degree PCV valve? Is it still functioning properly?
    I pulled my PCV apart and the plastic fitting that connects the grommet to the hose broke, and the hose is cracked. I think it would be easier to put that 90 on there.

  19. #69
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey

    You need to remove the internal valve (just drill out the hole)

    Im just off to bed now but remember I did all this with the manifold still in place.
    I will update you tomorrow.
    Last edited by Fatboy 18; 11-24-2017 at 06:57 PM.

  20. #70
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Glad you're good fatty. Dave gonna get ya with a haymaker.

  21. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Wo, stop the press, you did it with the intake manifold on!!!!!
    Did you make a DIY video or took any pictures??
    Or maybe a little pointers on what to do, I need to change my grommet but don't want to remove the intake....


  22. #72
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    OK Falls, British Columbia Canada
    Fatboy, I'd replace that plastic PCV with a real one from Jegs. I never had problems with metal body & ball valve sticking.

    Here's what it looks like >
    Last edited by OK Falls GTS; 11-24-2017 at 11:30 PM.

  23. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I just used a -8 fitting with a new grommet. Works great. Guess the other option would be plugging it like the ROE supercharged cars are.

  24. #74
    Join Date
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    South of London, Surrey
    Got to say Matt, that looks class

  25. #75
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Sherwood Park, AB
    That does look good! I have my manifold off already so it won't be difficult to change. Just looking for options as the plastic adaptor that goes between the grommet and the hose broke. And the hose is looking old and worn.

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