There is a sad picture floating around on FB![]()
There is a sad picture floating around on FB![]()
Hope everyone is ok.
Last edited by str5010; 09-01-2017 at 12:25 PM.
Could someone please post some details about what is going on? Some people don't have Facebook accounts...
Did one of the Vipers wreck?
Oh no...I hope Luca is ok.
I don't see any post about an accident on fb
Driver is ok. Tire went down, that's all I can post right now.
If the Kumhos don't measure up - use something else. It's not our problem they can't make tires that can't go 26 miles! Please, excuses do not concern me. If other companies can make tires that will stand up - then use them. Thanks to Kumho, but your sub standard products are just that- substandard. You guys have spent all that money getting there and doing an absolute fantastic job, it is such a shame that it is being ruined by poor quality tires. Hopefully Kumho will learn a very valuable lesson here as it is their fault the Viper can't do better!
/\/\ Great to hear....
EDIT: referring to Flatouts post.
Thankful to hear the driver is ok, appreciate the update Andy.
Friday Update: Today is our last day at the track. WOW, talk about emotional highs and lows. Since Dom and Mario were racing this weekend, Luca was in one car and we had another. After some due diligence, we found one of the fastest Ring drivers, Lance Arnold, who joined us in the second car. We also found 5 hours of track time, with a group that was renting the track for their club day. Both Luca and Lance were on track and Luca failed to come around the track. He had a tire failure at a high speed (left front) on the final straight. We put some fresh rubber on his car and sent him back out. Unfortunately, the next thing that happened was our own fault. In changing the differential fluid, the drain plug was only finger tightened and mistake slipped through the cracks. Oil leaked out until there was too little left in the diff and it broke. We were now down to one car. Rain was predicted for 1PM and our solo track time was 2PM. I cut a deal with the track days owner to let us go out at noon and we’d give him our 30 minutes at 2PM. We re-prepped Lance's car, put fresh tires on it and waited. He went out at 12 noon. On his first lap he turned a (wait for it......) 7:01.3. We were elated. We couldn't wait to see the time for his second lap. It was then that we were informed that there was a problem. Apparently, his left front tire (like Luca's) had a sidewall failure at about 160 mph while he was in a corner. He ALMOST saved it but the car brushed the left guard rail ever so lightly. At that speed, anything that upsets the car is bad, so it slid across the track and contacted the right guard rail. While it definitely wasn't the worst incident in the world, Vipers with broken parts are never pretty. The airbag went off and all of that (that's what happens when you run production cars). Lance was fine but bummed out because he felt the car was ready to best the 6:57 mark. He did the 7:01.3 on his FIRST lap.
I want to point out that the cost of all of the damage now falls on Bernie and Ben at Viper Exchange, who own the car. This is why I found it odd that some folks were saying that Viper Exchange would profit on selling these cars when we were done with the record runs. Any possible profits will be used to repair the car that contacted the armco. The gofundme donations will pay 1) the track for repair to the rail and 2) the owner of the track-day because we took up 1.5 of his hours instead of 1 and he asked that we compensate him, which is fair.
So, there you have it. Our big adventure to the Nurburgring comes to an end. We have not had a driver who feels that the car is not a mid 6:50's car. I think that we asked a bit much of the tires on this particular track. There's a reason it’s called "The Green Hell." Viper Nation, we did the best we could with what we had to work with. It's hard not being supported by the factory in any way. We did it with YOUR gofundme contributions, tires and funds by Kumho, spare engines by Prefix (fortunately we didn't need them), 2 complete and free cars from Viper Exchange and BJ Motors, and other generous donations by members of the Viper community. So many donations, that the only way to list those who gave more than $250 is on the poster, which we will start working on. I will try to write a post-script from the plane, on the way back to the states.
We will post the video and data shortly. Our data guy is on vacation and we have to figure out how to get it off the drive. As soon as we do, we'll post it.
Again, thank you all and please know that the only thing that kept us apart from a 6:5x was time and money.
dam good excellent job to everyone!!what a car
Well...that's that.
Great work and a 7:01 is definitely flying. That's faster than the old ACR-X on slicks so something to be proud of for these guys.
Congrats on a great time. Everyone involved should be very proud. Glad no one was hurt in the process.
Thanks for the info. So 7:01.3 is the official?
Well, it's a good run and everyone did the best they could. I'm glad the driver is OK, and hopefully the car can be fixed.
Who knows, maybe Kumho will come out with a next generation of the ACR tire that is better suited to a long track like the 'Ring. If it's a legitimate replacement for the OEM tire, I think it could potentially be used on a future attempt, if a future attempt is in the cards.
Check the Facebook page, Russ has an update. Faster time..... more bad luck