6:49 and it beat the Chiron. My prediction after next weeks run.
Only beat the prior times by tenths....
I'm honestly disappointed.
Strong suspense. A few possibilities. The "bit better" could be just that: 7:02xx etc. It could be getting a chuckle on good ale watching the VOA wait in suspense before they drop the bomb they crushed it. (I hope). Could be many things but it will be positively announced properly regardless of record breaking number or not. A watched pot never boils they say but we are testing that theory now.
Some pics from today's run. ..
Damn. Track too hot. Damn.
Damn, with a time like that I can't quit my job and drive around for the next week shouting out my window "We did it!!!!"
Oh well, back to HR and Payroll Requirement documents...
Especially given that the track temp did not sound that high. A 70 degree day near the end of August does not sound like excessive temperatures to complain about (really sounds near ideal). I wonder what the ideal conditions are that they need and if they are even viable or probable for the rental period coming up.
Hey guys maybe that's what the cars got in the end? Nothing to be embarrassed by. Yes it would have been nice to do a 6:58 or thereabouts but hey what else can one say? It's not possible to get every track record you know.....
Between all this effort how many timed laps have been completed?
My count is at 6 full and 1 aborted lap.
If 6 laps all with flaws are netting 7:03s i'd have to think there is more in it?
Kudos to the Viper team. You have to put this in context. The OEM teams spend upwards of a million dollars to run the Ring and have full factory support. The 7.03.23 time is an incredible time for a cobbled together, crowd funded private effort. There is zero doubt that on a day when the track is cooler, they would be able to run a sub seven second lap. Many thanks to Russ Oasis for his efforts puting this together.
The Viper is, and will remain, the fastest, OEM, NA, ten cylinder six speed manual coupe in history. We should all be very proud.
The car was, and is, an incredible bargain. It is also the best looking and will be the most enduring design in its category.
Semper Viper!
yes little bit disappointed but 7.03.23 is a very good lap time ... TOP SPEED is the key i think to make a sub 7 maybe need just 4-5 mph more
I think that in a prior post or article, it was mentioned that the rear wing was adjusted ( It is adjustable.) to provide less down force and a bit more top speed. So the issue was the track temp as stated above not the top speed. The Ring is a long run with many turns. The stock tires were designed more for the tracks in the states and not for a long track like the Ring with a 111 degree track.
But 111 F is not hot for an asphalt track. Outside of a cool cloudy day it will be hard to find one lower without rain. Even at this time of the year. Seems like the Kumhos are too sensitive to temperature, pressure, etc.
Wauh wauh wauuuh!!! lol...Oh well. The "OMG" posted after the run really hyped the expectations up lolol...Ok...back to reality...No longer living in fantasy land with the expectations. Seems it may just not have enough for a sub 7 minute lap. 7:03 is stupid fast but not what we all expected. It is a little disappointing no doubt but thanks for the effort team Viper.
This of course is all correct. Moreover the OEM teams would never release a less than optimal time and that's because they have huge budgets and can just keep going until they get the numbers they feel are right and want. This is a small effort through necessity and of course because it has been under the spotlight through social media we have been informed of the outcomes of every single attempt/ lap they do-optimal or suboptimal and why. So its not the same as the OEM attempts in anyway. The problem is that even though there is probably a 3-4 seconds left on the table it is likely it will take a lot of time, attempts, efforts, and of course cash to attempt this. As we have seen there are umpteen variables at play at any one time. For a small crowdfunded team this is not likely possible or expected of course....What they have done is admirable as it stands. Thank you everyone who took part!
Last edited by stradman; 08-25-2017 at 03:28 PM.
As stated above, I do not think they were designed with a track the length of the Ring in mind. Also, we do not know what part of the track was at 111 degrees. We do know the run was in the afternoon when the track is probably at max temp. I am sure that the track temp is not uniform throughout the whole lap. The bottom line is that the last Viper record was 7:12.13 with factory support. This run was 8.9 seconds faster. And that is one hell of an accomplishment.
Last edited by Unlimtd; 08-25-2017 at 03:35 PM.
Porsche spent months at the Nurburging with the 918 and then had an entire week on the track with three of them and numerous drivers. And the Nurburgring is in their backyard.
So it ran a 7:03. It's fast. I'm not sure what another 4 seconds will do for the car or owners.
Looks like next week is the last shot and getting the results we are all expecting. Hopefully it goes as planned!With two attempts and a total of 16 tires destroyed in two short hours between both cars, there was no choice but to pack it up and plan a return trip.
“We’re not done yet,” confirms Bernie Katz, co-founder of Viper Exchange. “The sweet spot in the weather is out there, and we have a small opportunity in the schedule next week to try and find it. The car has a six-minute fifty-something in there, and we’re still trying to find it.”
Painting the cars Fast Red will give them at least another 10 seconds![]()