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  1. #526
    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Living under a rock huh! Everything you posted just proved my point! No witnesses and unverified by 3rd party. Troll idiot! The only amazing thing is how many words you typed with both hands stroking the Bull's shaft. Complaining about the car having the same chassis since 92'. Grow up,you child!
    Verified third party - the Performante run has been looked at by people who race for a living car companies who spend millions - give it a rest you are so off it's ridiculous and I am only typing this so you don't ruin what is the focus Viper at the Ring.

    I have a GTS-R and went to the Performante debut and they wouldn't state the time of it were not real - period I know these people they have a racing reputation to protect if they lied and customer cars aren't capable then state what you wish but until then you are just yapping.

    Viper at 7:03 is outstanding - lucky enough to own one form the same guys who are taking it to the Ring please don't make this about the Performante you have no clue and I don't mean that to be offensive.

    BJ Motors and their sponsors are doing everything they can - Lamborghini built a race out of the Huracan based on their racing editions and added ALA some serious rubber etc.

    Viper is a stock production car - the ACR could have should have been tweaked for the special editions vs a paint job it would have paid off huge but they didn't and that's ok because guys like me added a stage 2 which IMO is the Performante version of the Huracan but that's taking away from what should be the focus - slippery slope!

    Looking forward to a time below 7 - will add GTS-R stickers to match the car at the ring I don't need it beat the Performante or 918 to know it's the coolest American old school car ever produced - embrace it for what it is.
    Last edited by ACR Extreme; 07-31-2017 at 08:07 AM.

  2. #527
    Regarding funding of the August run, has Pennzoil put any money toward the attempt? Throwing in another $50k would give them much, much more exposure for years to come at less than a tenth of what this commercial cost them:

  3. #528
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  4. #529
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    Quote Originally Posted by ViperGTS View Post
    Dominik has to shift ~50 times. Dominik has to handle the shift lever...taking off the right hand of the steering wheel. Time lost there also.
    I was marveling how he was taking turns at those speeds with 1 hand on the wheel myself, steering, turning & correcting throughout the turn..VERY impressive!

    Great run!


  5. #530
    Well regardless of the if the Performante was on slicks or not we know that a Viper on Kumho's 100% street legal tire will do a 7:03 and potentially sub 7 minute on the retry in August. From what Dom said it seems my hopes of a 7:4x was a bone stock pipe dream. It would be nice if they slapped some full-on race slicks and saw what the beast would do. Its like what they did with the TA at the Laguna Seca test.

  6. #531
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    I drove a Huracan on an exotic car tour that the wifey got me for my Bday. I didn't go over 100 and I felt it pushing in the turns. I don't see how that run, on that track, at those speeds, and on those turns was on street tires! No squeal.


  7. #532
    Quote Originally Posted by Rapidrezults View Post
    Dom said in an interview that the car still has mid-corner push and exit oversteer....sounds like they still have some work to do on tuning the car. I don't remember watching any of the US track record-run videos that showed so much wrestling with the wheel. If they can get that tuned out of it, there is no doubt sub 7's in reach. A 1st and only attempt 7:03 is encouraging!
    This info on cornering is evident on the videos. If they can get the car dialed in, then it should pick up significant time in the curves.

    In any event, excellent efforts to the Viper team and Dom!

  8. #533
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    Houston, Texas
    watching a Motor Trend vid about the Performante. They said the ABS system in the regular huracan is overly nanny and hampered its performance, was fixed in the Performante. And the active aero on this car is very light and doesnt need a laggy and heavy hydraulic system to control it. Even if the ACR matches the Performante, the ACR still wins because:

    Its a Dodge
    No active aerodynamics
    No active suspension
    Manual transmission
    OHV engine
    Front mounted mid engine
    Half the price

    Last edited by ForTehNguyen; 08-01-2017 at 03:08 PM.

  9. #534
    3900 followers on FB but only 509 donators. If the followers pitched in $10 each, we'd be most of the way there!

  10. #535
    There it is posted among some very exclusive company...

  11. #536
    Credit where credit is due though... This is very trick and patented too... Too bad the Viper's time is up because I would have loved to have seen what they would do to counter this...

  12. #537
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    Would have been nice to have active aero and a KERS on the Gen VI...all with the manual gearbox still intact...

  13. #538
    Would have been nice until they had to charge another 100,000+ for it

  14. #539
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForTehNguyen View Post
    watching a Motor Trend vid about the Performante. They said the ABS system in the regular huracan is overly nanny and hampered its performance, was fixed in the Performante. And the active aero on this car is very light and doesnt need a laggy and heavy hydraulic system to control it. Even if the ACR matches the Performante, the ACR still wins because:

    Its a Dodge
    Fixed aerodynamics
    Manual transmission
    OHV engine
    Front mounted mid engine
    Half the price

    I would like to see aero load numbers for that system (lbs force). I can imagine it is not generating anywhere near ACR numbers which coupled with its smaller footprint would mean lower cornering speeds. It weighs the same as an ACR, with the same power (but much less midrange/overall tq), has awd to put power down better on exit, active aero, and flappy paddles. I'd love to see a full telemetry overlay between the 2 cars to see whether allowing the driver to feed in power sooner on exit and reduction in drag on the straights really pulls it ahead of the ACR.

    I imagine the Performante is a helluva fun car to track as well.

  15. #540
    Looks like the aero really hampered it in the last straight - could have picked up more time if it hadn't caused so much drag.

  16. #541
    Quote Originally Posted by slowhatch View Post
    I would like to see aero load numbers for that system (lbs force). I can imagine it is not generating anywhere near ACR numbers which coupled with its smaller footprint would mean lower cornering speeds. It weighs the same as an ACR, with the same power (but much less midrange/overall tq), has awd to put power down better on exit, active aero, and flappy paddles. I'd love to see a full telemetry overlay between the 2 cars to see whether allowing the driver to feed in power sooner on exit and reduction in drag on the straights really pulls it ahead of the ACR.

    I imagine the Performante is a helluva fun car to track as well.
    Agree 100% ! I think it'd be fascinating to see the telemetry breakdown of both cars on their best laps. Let's hope that the ACR can get closer to the Performante's time (if $$$ and weather allow).

    Seriously doubt we'll ever get to see telemetry from the Huracan run, though

  17. #542
    Quote Originally Posted by slowhatch View Post
    I would like to see aero load numbers for that system (lbs force). I can imagine it is not generating anywhere near ACR numbers which coupled with its smaller footprint would mean lower cornering speeds. It weighs the same as an ACR, with the same power (but much less midrange/overall tq), has awd to put power down better on exit, active aero, and flappy paddles. I'd love to see a full telemetry overlay between the 2 cars to see whether allowing the driver to feed in power sooner on exit and reduction in drag on the straights really pulls it ahead of the ACR.

    I imagine the Performante is a helluva fun car to track as well.
    One advantage that the Lambo has is its 8000 rpm capability....when combined with a fast paddle shifting trans it allows a car with much less torque to outpace a lower revving motor with a manual trans. Once the cars are moving at speed, a motor that can rev faster and rev higher is going to be an advantage on a multi corner track like the Ring.

    I would love me a Performante plus I seem to get along better with Lambo drivers than Ferrari drivers, lol.

    Having said all this, if Lamborghini wants to prove their production Bull has not been castrated, they should go back to the Ring with a production car, witnesses and see what she will run. If it is within 5 seconds of the "record" run then I'd say they have a major beast on their hands and deserve all the kudos for building an epic machine.

  18. #543
    Yep...But we all expected that on the long back straight. It only lost 3 secs to the Performante on that long back straight according to someone's analysis in one of these threads. So that would mean it lost 8 secs in the twisties and shorter straights to the Huracan somewhere along the way. Quite interesting to say the least. The test will be a customers production Performante's vs the ACR's time. They should take that Performante on those same 13 tracks the ACR set records on and try to beat those lap times. That would make a believer out of everyone that the Ring time was above board.

    Thing about the ACR that I love is that across the board everyone that has driven one vs a P1, 918, GT3, Z06 etc all come away saying its the real deal. A big range of customers from board members to baseball players to racecar drivers. That speaks volumes to me way more than a one time mfg run behind closed circuit away from any third party corroboration. Not that my opinion matters but I still am a bit skeptical about the whole Performante time.

  19. #544
    you can see all the little boo boo hiccups dom did due to he went out and jumped right in it,smacked out a lap and was done, I bet after a few laps, some suspention and swaybar tweaking, o dom can well smack out a time close to the lambo if not at least tie it. I can see at least 10 seconds wasted through out that run

  20. #545
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    Quote Originally Posted by slowhatch View Post
    I would like to see aero load numbers for that system (lbs force). I can imagine it is not generating anywhere near ACR numbers which coupled with its smaller footprint would mean lower cornering speeds. It weighs the same as an ACR, with the same power (but much less midrange/overall tq), has awd to put power down better on exit, active aero, and flappy paddles. I'd love to see a full telemetry overlay between the 2 cars to see whether allowing the driver to feed in power sooner on exit and reduction in drag on the straights really pulls it ahead of the ACR.

    I imagine the Performante is a helluva fun car to track as well.
    All i've read is the perfomante has 750% more downforce than the regular one, not sure what the regular one has

  21. #546
    When you line up the Performante and ACR videos, you can tell the ACR was losing out in the corners as well.

    The Performante looks a lot more planted and the driver is able to get on the gas earlier. The magnetorheological shocks help the Performante ride out the bumpy track better than the ACR, but I'm sure with a bit more track time they'll be able to dial in the shock settings to get a bit more grip out of the ACR.

  22. #547
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    so it has an active suspension too, great, add that to the list

    the active systems in this car is what makes it really fast, it can literally adapt and optimize to any corner and track condition. Imagine what an ACR can do if it had active systems. Even sweeter for a far more analog car that the ACR is to defeat a digital car that the Performante is. Even if the ACR lost by a few seconds that is still a victory. 7:03 on this car as a practice run on an unoptimized car should be worrisome to the record holders. Just to even have a manual car in the top 5 is a feat of strength
    Last edited by ForTehNguyen; 08-01-2017 at 03:13 PM.

  23. #548
    I think the game changer will be the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. I'm pretty confident that it will be faster than the 918.

    I'm excited to see a lap time from the Ring with that monster. Fully loaded you'd be at $320k plus.....assuming you could get one

  24. #549
    Quote Originally Posted by TrackAire View Post
    I think the game changer will be the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. I'm pretty confident that it will be faster than the 918.

    I'm excited to see a lap time from the Ring with that monster. Fully loaded you'd be at $320k plus.....assuming you could get one
    I thought the same thing about the last GT2RS and was somewhat disappointed. Still amazing, just expected a bit more.

  25. #550
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    Quote Originally Posted by TrackAire View Post
    I think the game changer will be the 2018 Porsche 911 GT2 RS. I'm pretty confident that it will be faster than the 918.

    I'm excited to see a lap time from the Ring with that monster. Fully loaded you'd be at $320k plus.....assuming you could get one
    320k for a essentially a gussied up 911?

    Did someone say 720S?

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