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What you are doing is exactly what the known car world would do to the viper if the viper broke the record. Everyone would dis-credit the vipers run if it broke the record. An older American made sports car that only costs $150k, breaking the ring record....pppssshhh it didn't happen, that's exactly what they would say. A front engine, manual gearbox, production car, breaking the ring record, so many people would scoff at that. The performante, only costing $300+k, was hard for people to believe it actually broke the record.
I don't think anyone is blindly accepting lambos claims, I think you are blindly accepting false claims about the lambos time/lap. People are really just accepting the reality/facts that have been presented to them by a host of resources to support lambos claims. I mean have you been living under a rock for the last 6 months with no internet access?? All of the correct information is out there to support lambos claims, all kinds of information. Videos, vbox information, side by side comparisons, you name it. How can you say it was not witnessed, documented, or whatever is completely beyond me because there is so much documentation/proof about it its ridiculous. Why would lambo bring it back out to do it again with witnesses when they already did it the first time with witnesses lol?!?! Really man the proof is out there, the facts are out there, it is all over the place, I really have no idea where you are getting your info from other than it just being an opinion. You don't have to be a genius to find all the facts/truth, it is out there for everyone to see/hear but you do have to take the time to actually look for it. I guess no matter how much proof you have there will always be some that never will believe.
There is a lot of difference between a regular huracan and a performante huracan, much more than just the trick aero. The 30 some odd seconds it dropped from the regular huracan is a lot more than just the aero which is why it was possible. Could you take a regular huracan, add aero and then get the same lap time...I highly doubt it. It's basically a completely different car save the way it looks on the outside. New titanium manifolds, active aero, less weight, different springs and sway bars add an additional 10% vertical stiffness and 15% roll stiffness, different bushings add 50% more radial and axial stiffness for more precision, tires, LPI improved and working seamlessly with all functions of the car and better than it ever has before, enhancements to the gearbox and AWD for quicker shifting and glue like traction, I mean the list really does goes on and on if you actually look and care enough to see what the performante actually offers. It is far, far from a regular huracan. MAybe aero was responsible for 10-15 secs of drop, gearbox responsible for maybe a few seconds or something, tires a few seconds and all these other changes it all adds up. Some will say this is the greatest car lambo has ever built. Maybe it is really just that good.
No customers in the USA have received their performante yet which is why you haven't seen them on a track. Customer cars start arriving in the USA in September. So for the 2018 track season you will start seeing the Performante at the track. No lambo owners are going to bring their murci or diablo or aventador to the track lol, I mean some probably do but most wont, especially if they already have a designated track car. Now that Lambo has a track car I would imagine you will start seeing more of them at track days. And it will be an interesting comparison between the customer driven viper and the customer driven performante.