you didnt use the factory fuel, you didnt pressure the tires with factory air but with superior higher performing german air. Therefore results are skewed and invalid
you didnt use the factory fuel, you didnt pressure the tires with factory air but with superior higher performing german air. Therefore results are skewed and invalid
That sound is amazing!
Good God Dominik is working that wheel....impressive
LOLOL...You guys are funny. It really is absurd the lengths some have gone to discredit the last ACR's 7:22 & 7:12. "The splitter is not street legal so since it used it on the Ring run its not a real street car so time shouldn't count " etc. So its not surprising to hear some of the same arguments against the Gen V ACR.
In a way I can understand it. The lap times the car puts up are ridiculous and makes no sense to many especially considering its not using torque vectoring, DCT, active aero, computer controlled this and that, has a non-hybrid OHV N/A V10 instead of more modern DOHC/hybrid/turbo engine etc and yet it still runs with or beats the top dollar hyper cars. All for less than 150k. If we all remember many of us even scoffed at the ACR getting anywhere close to the hyper cars at the time.
Frustration at 6:41 on the lap timer... Only got 175 where the Lambo got 188.
283 kph / 175.8 mph on the straight
I saw a high of 280km which is around 173mph on the back straight. To be expected considering the drag as mentioned.
Take aways....Man that track is narrow and bumpy as heck, even in the turns...Dom is the man....These attempts are not for the faint of heart...
I wonder what wing position they choose. I would think the most aggressive since they only got to 173mph even with the aid of the downhill portion of the back straight. I second the incredible sound of the engine. It still amazes me how the engine even at full boil doesn't sound like its trying hard at all...Just effortless. Thanks for the video to all involved....Well be downloaded and kept right next to the G IV ACR vid. Cant wait til August attempt.
What I think will be overlooked by most people - this was their first and only hot lap. That kind of pace on this track in a manual car on lap 1 is wild.
From 35,000 feet above the Atlantic, hello again. A few points for clarity. 1) We are not done. There is time available on the track in August if we can get the donations. Everyone involved is very sure that we can get to a sub 7 minute time and that is rarified air. Only 2 production cars in the world (and arguably 1) has ever done that. We were plagued by bad weather and a few unfortunate hiccups on this first trip. If you want us to go back, please donate. All of us in the Viper Community are doing this free, simply for the love of the car. 2) Do not think that we have a large crew. In the group shot there are folks from Kumho, Prefix, and some Viper Nation people who contributed more than $10,000 for the privilege of going. There are very few actual crew workers in that shot. 3) what's with "the fastest rear wheel drive car, the fastest stick shift car, etc?" That's small ball. Who cares about that? Let's look at FASTEST PRODUCTION CAR in the world. We have kicked the butt of every hyper-car ever built except the Porsche 918 and the make believe record of the Lamborghini. And when we do it, we have Road & Track present to verify. Let's not try to be first in anything except the world. That what Viper is, the best world class street-legal race car AT ANY PRICE. Come on Viper Nation, make this happen one more time so we can go back in August.
Dom is incredible, too funny when he is hitting the steering wheel with his right hand just to make it go faster. I did a lap at the ring in the race-taxi on the passenger seat just a few weeks ago with my 2 sons in the back. BMW M3, 450hp. After a third of the lap, my stomach asked for attention, luckily it calmed down for the remaining lap. Hard to imagine how it would feel in the passenger seat next to Dom. I am almost sure I would be shitting bricks right after the first corner LOL.
"So call this a first shot at a lap record—one that features a few missed shifts, an uncooperative traction control system, and a driver who had never experienced this car at full speed with no traffic on the daunting German track.
Yes, there's a lot of time left on the table. "
We should be proud of what has been accomplished by the crew, drivers, and cars. There is time left on the table, let's go back in August and take what we came for. What they need now more than anything is cash to secure dedicated track time, we all saw how valuable that time is. Expect some big improvements in time if they get the 3.5 hours of track time alone time without rain.
Last edited by SSGNRDZ_28; 07-28-2017 at 10:39 AM.
That was awesome and I can't wait to see it under 7 minutes!
Hopefully they will go back and break the record but it's pretty safe to say that the record qualified by a manual trans will never be broken and that in and of itself is legendary imo when you consider how the era of manual transmission racing will be viewed in the future. I'm not even sure that anyone has gone faster with a manual than the Gen4 7:12.
Watched the was fast....anyone who has driven on a track can see how insane the speeds are in every corner.
I hope they post the setup (suspension geometry, tire pressure, wing position, etc) after the effort concludes so everyone who tracks their ACRs can benefit from it.
Just donated again....let's bring this home people!
Damn, just watched that lap and now I don't need my morning coffee to get going.....great driving.
I wonder at what point of this cause did Road & Track come on board? I think it is great to have them there for the validation and hopefully their audience reach can help get the word out for more donations, etc. Lets hope they have a big social media and internet presence.
Also thanks to BridgetoGantry for the coverage and highlighting this attempt.
FCA where are you???
Please Sergio, the cost would be less than what it costs you to attend a single F1 race. And the Karma God's have also promised if we can get back to the Ring in August with the ACR-E, the Ferrari F1 team would win this years championship. We want the Ring record as bad as you want Ferrari to kick Mercedes ass!!
After reading that article SSG just posted its eerily similar to the Gen IV's first Ring run. First time out in the 08 ACR they hit 7:22 (Coronel) with a number of issues like the bottoming out, bumping off limiter etc. This led to the improved gear set in 2010 and the subsequent 7:12 (Dom) sec lap which was a 10 sec improvement over the prior attempt.
Now we see a number of issues on Dom's first attempt which could similarly mean a significant time improvement over the 7:03 sec time when they run again in August. I know it will dip in the 6:xx range without question...How much remains to be seen...Cant wait.
Last edited by Snakebit10; 07-28-2017 at 11:13 AM.
I think by now we all know FCA won't be participating in this. I am pretty sure we can do it without them though. Keep in mind, for a lot of people who are donating it's not just "Viper is the fastest", it's also "an American car is the fastest", so there is a lot of support behind beating Germany and (questionably) Italy, a.k.a. two countries of the world that make some of the fastest cars in the world.
I am thinking of getting an FB account just for this![]()
I sent the video to my MOPAR rep to send to his boss. I am seeing if I can squeeze some money out of them. At least get part of FCA on board.
"From 35,000 feet above the Atlantic, hello again. A few points for clarity. 1) We are not done. There is time available on the track in August if we can get the donations. Everyone involved is very sure that we can get to a sub 7 minute time and that is rarified air. Only 2 production cars in the world (and arguably 1) has ever done that. We were plagued by bad weather and a few unfortunate hiccups on this first trip. If you want us to go back, please donate. All of us in the Viper Community are doing this free, simply for the love of the car. 2) Do not think that we have a large crew. In the group shot there are folks from Kumho, Prefix, and some Viper Nation people who contributed more than $10,000 for the privilege of going. There are very few actual crew workers in that shot. 3) what's with "the fastest rear wheel drive car, the fastest stick shift car, etc?" That's small ball. Who cares about that? Let's look at FASTEST PRODUCTION CAR in the world. We have kicked the butt of every hyper-car ever built except the Porsche 918 and the make believe record of the Lamborghini. And when we do it, we have Road & Track present to verify. Let's not try to be first in anything except the world. That what Viper is, the best world class street-legal race car AT ANY PRICE. Come on Viper Nation, make this happen one more time so we can go back in August."
Fuckin' A man! He's's all "small ball" if not #1. I'm donating again but man FCA could make this easy! And they have plenty to gain...if Dodge ever wants to bring the Viper back why not bring back The King of the Ring!?! Think of the halo on the Dodge brand, goodwill with enthusiasts, press coverage in automotive media...that last point alone would make $75K or $100K worth it. You can bet R&T will run a multi-page feature...