I got my gas cap powder coated and have been struggling to get the cap to sit flush. I've dremeled down some of the coating and dremeled out a little of the wholes where the 4 posts insert. Any suggestions? Any tricks to this?
I got my gas cap powder coated and have been struggling to get the cap to sit flush. I've dremeled down some of the coating and dremeled out a little of the wholes where the 4 posts insert. Any suggestions? Any tricks to this?
Check w BJG32....
We connected. His powder coater coated the back. Make sure if you do that locally you tell them not to do that. Also, be veeeeery careful. The cap will delaminate at a certain temp...
Ask me how i know. Knowledge isnt fee i guess.
All gas caps are now $700 and up. I tried to buy up the last of the $300 ones. Price went up about a month ago. Make sure your powder coater warranties the cap if they ruin it.
$700 mistake....luckily i only paid $300 for it.