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Thread: Summer s here

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Summer s here

    Hey Everyone….

    Well I’d say its safe to assume that we have seen the majority of winter weather finally get behind us…. Time to actually drive our cars. If you haven’t gone over our idea list please take a few minutes to do so. If anyone has ideas of things to do please throw your idea out there for all to see,,, remember nothing is set in stone, your idea might be the one we all want to do…. Was thinking we need to get a lunch meeting set up soon… I will throw out a date in a few days so we can get this summer kicked off. I will be at the Cruisin Sherwood event on 6/10…. Mostly since I live in Sherwood and its 5 minutes from my house. It would be great if I wasn’t the only Viper there. I usually leave around 1pm since it opens at 5am and I run out of gas fairly soon.

    It’s been a quiet and long winter and I am looking forward to getting the car out. We lost a couple members but we also gained a couple new members… I hope we can all make the meeting, or any of the events so that we can welcome the new members. I know we all have family stuff we will be doing during the summer but I hope you all can set some time aside to help make our events memorable. We also have Cars n Coffee going strong on Saturday Mornings… might be a good place to meet and perhaps take a short drive/trip afterwards as a group. Starting soon is Beaches @ PIR …. That starts 6/7. I’ve not been to one but hear there’s always a large turnout of cars. So lets welcome summer and have a good time……. One last thing….. Start saving not only money but vacation time from work for NVE3,,, Vegas Baby….. they have some awesome things planned and it sure to be a great time.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Portland Oregon
    Hi Steve - I just picked up a new Viper and I will be at cars and coffee on July 1st. We have some graduation parties these next couple Saturday's but looking forward to meeting you. We will participate in as many drives and events as we can.

  3. #3
    I love the color of the new ride. We will see you at C&C.



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