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Thread: The VIPER TAX

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  1. #1


    So I was looking for a sports bar pad grommet part #OQX23DX9AB and was told by a few vendors they couldnt get it, the ones that could wanted $27 each plus shipping. They claimed the "viper tax" was high on this simple small piece of plastic part. Well I found the part from a local distributor called Concord-Parts for $15.35 each and ordered 2 for the price of 1 from a Viper Specialist shop. Then it dawned on me, the ones screwing us viper owners with this imaginary Viper tax, are these self proclaimed viper specialty shops that are marking up and price gouging simple everyday dodge part. Its sickening.. I cant fathom how a generic parts distributor was able to locate and provide me with this part for less than a place that sells nothing but Viper parts. It really makes me sick and pretty angry.

    You would figure this nonsense would have stopped by now.
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    Last edited by Dajerseyviper; 04-14-2017 at 11:09 PM.



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