LOL, valid point!
I have mixed emotions here. I think it was great that GWV stepped up and bought the cars. Recall that the cars were selling slowly at the time and that they did not hoard them to sell them MSRP like at least one other large dealer did (and it is not Roanoke or Woodhouse). Rather, GWV ensured the cars would be built and available to be sold to anyone who wanted one. They did a bunch of cool orders, taking full advantage of the 1-of-1 program (which was smart, imo), and tried to imagine what people might want other than red, white, black.
That said, I was one of the people that got caught in the ordering lock out once that happened. I had an order in mind, but had been sitting on it pending confirmation that 2017 was indeed the final year. Once the news was released, GWV jumped on it pretty quickly and the order banks were closed. I was very frustrated even though I knew it was my own damn fault.
I called around and, guess what? Two dealers had good information that ordering would very likely re-open for a short time (one of them being GWV). We finalized my order together, I gave my deposit, waited the few months that it took for the ordering window to open up, and bam... it was submitted and accepted. That ordering window opened and closed within days as I recall but, if you were ready, you were taken. In fact, I had a friend that wanted in even after learning that my order was accepted. I put him in touch with my dealer and he had no issue building a car and getting an order in.
So, it would seem that everything worked out all around -- the final year sold out; some amazing cars were built that otherwise might not have been built or might not have been so amazing; and people who were ready and interested enough to work the phones and locate a car were able to do so.