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  1. #1

    Ohio Ultimate Party Info April 29 2017

    The VOA Ohio Region cordially invites you to it's
    Annual Ultimate Viper Party

    Saturday April 29, 2017

    The party will be held at:
    Crowne Plaza, Columbus North Worthington
    6500 Doubletree Ave. Columbus, OH 43229

    We will have one of each generation Vipers in the ballroom!

    To register for the party please Contact VOA OH Region Secretary
    Sam Goldfarb

    FREE* Meals for all Ohio Viper Club VOA Members and a guest!
    * Free meals are for one member and their spouse/partner or guest. Extra guests and non-Ohio Members are $40 Each

    Please RSVP Before April 25, 2017


    Room rate is $138/night plus taxes and fees.
    Rooms are King or Two Doubles and include a breakfast buffet for two.
    When you call the hotel make sure you tell them
    to give you the "Ohio Viper Club" rate
    There are a few rooms also available for Friday Night, if anyone wants to arrive early!

    Please Make Your Reservations Before April 17th!

    Ohio History Museum Tour featuring a 50's Nostalgia Theme Exhibit
    will be Free to Ohio Viper Club Members and their guests!

    Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 04-23-2017 at 04:27 AM.

  2. #2
    Room Blocks are starting to fill up! Don't forget to book a room and RSVP for an accurate head count for meals! One month away!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Podunksburg, PA
    Sorry Sam, I can't make it. The President's meeting is in Vegas this day.

    Looks awesome though!

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Bryan Savage View Post
    Sorry Sam, I can't make it. The President's meeting is in Vegas this day.

    Looks awesome though!
    We had this date set up for a while and then had to switch hotels, all before we knew anything about the Presidents meeting! Maybe we will see you in August at The Nationals!

  5. #5
    The hotel room blocks are starting to fill up, get your rooms reserved as soon as you can! There are only about 20-25 rooms left at this point!

  6. #6
    Hotel has extended our room block to April 17. Please RSVP before April 20 for meal count!

  7. #7
    Still have a few rooms left and room for more to attend the event!

  8. #8
    I will need all RSVP by 4/25, hotel has extended the deadline for the meal count. Rooms will be released on Monday 4/17, still a few left!

  9. #9
    Room block was released on April 17. I still have a couple rooms held back for "emergencies". Contact me directly for any room needs. We can accept party attendees until April, 25.

  10. #10
    Special guests this year include:
    Herb Helbig
    Mike Stevens
    Mark Trostle
    Tom Sessions
    Last edited by Sam Goldfarb; 04-20-2017 at 11:45 AM.

  11. #11
    RSVPs due by April 25th. I have a couple rooms left in reserve, if you need a room, contact me directly!

  12. #12
    Last Chance to sign up, I still have a couple rooms held back, contact me directly. I will be turning in our final count Wednesday (4/26).



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