Folks... May 19th... Conner Ave tour... I am also going to try to set up a tour of Arrow after.
More info to come!
Folks... May 19th... Conner Ave tour... I am also going to try to set up a tour of Arrow after.
More info to come!
Last edited by NetkoGTS; 03-17-2017 at 04:12 PM.
It would be awesome to see Arrow as well!
Yes, indeed! PA/WV members will have FIRST dibs on slots for the tour. We can bring about 30 people and already have about 10 people lined up!
Tours will start at 10a
NOTE: I was talking to one of the factory workers and he had a SIMPLE request that I am 100% positive we can help with. Many of the factory workers have NEVER had an opportunity to have a ride in a Viper on the road. He was wondering if we could get enough Vipers together to offer some rides. It would mean so much for us all to show some appreciation for all the hard years work they have been doing to craft our vehicles.
Hope I'm counted as one of the 10
is it maybe possible to take part at the visit of the plant, even without my Viper (as I come from Germany)?
I want to visit the plant for over 20 years now, and the time of production is shrinking as we all know
Thanks Heiko
If you want to join us... I can make a special dispensation by the Pope to make it happen.
The Germans are invading!!!! Aghhhhhhhh....
I spoke to my contact this morning to confirm everything for May 19th. She said they need to hold on the tour since there is already a small group going that same day and we would be seriously limited to the number we can bring out. We have the option on June 2nd BUT that is when the Tail of the Dragon event is also scheduled. She has to check with the plant manager to see if we can do the 2nd or another Friday in June.
It was a somber call to be honest. She said they are short staffed as it is with people being transferred out of Conner. She did say that FCA was working on a celebration event to coincide with the Woodward Dream Cruise which is on August 19th. She didn't have any details since FCA Marketing was working on it.
She will let me know ASAP when and if she has a date for us. She has already had to turn quite a few people away but realized that I started to ask about the tour in December of last year.
Jen is a great Gal. Shell make it happen!!
Hope this is not because you told her about the Germans invading, lol!!
But seriously, thanks a lot for trying to make this happen 👍
Sorry to hear that Shawn , I'll keep my fingers crossed for you !![]()
Sorry Had to merge threads so People would know the outcome. I suggest we add - on hold- to the title... if thats ok let me know if you need help changing the thread title.
Use the Report a post feature... It works!
I did that but it does not change original post.
Anywhooo... We should hopefully know Monday what the status is.
If this trip is still going to happen I would love to join in and take my SRT-10 on the drive out there if you would all have me.
Well... here is the message I got back... BUMMED! I started asking about a tour last December.
Hey Shawn-
I finally was able to speak to Mike and he would prefer that your group hold off until the event the brand team is working on. I do not a firm date, as they have not announced anything yet, but I can tell you it will be mid-August.
I’m sorry to disappoint but we do not want to cause any issues between clubs because I have already told other clubs they would need to wait.
I hope you understand.
Jen Hazard
Manufacturing Operations Coordinator
Conner Avenue Assembly Plant
Very sorry to hear that, but thank you for your efforts.
I anticipate the event they are working on is around the Woodward Dream Cruise which is Aug 19th.