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  1. #1

    SGA Wish Charity Car Show Rocky Mount NC April 15th 2017

    My name is Ryan Taylor. I am the Vice President of the Student Government Association at my high school, Nash Central High School. We are planning a charity car show for April 15th, 2017. General Admission tickets are $3 and to participate, the registration cost is $12. The proceeds from General Admission tickets, Dealership fees, and Vendor fees will all go to Make-A-Wish Eastern NC. As well, $10 of the $12 registration fee will go to Make-A-Wish Eastern NC, with the other $2 benefitting our club. If you are interested, please PM me and visit our website: SGA Wish Car Show | Rocky Mount | Nash Central High School to register and sign up. There is a lot more information up there as well. Only 350 spots are available, so register while you can!

    Thank you for reading this and contact me if you have any questions.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Apex, NC
    Thanks, Ryan. I have family visiting that weekend, so I will not be able to attend. I appreciate the information and hope it's a great success! - Patric

  3. #3
    REMINDER: The SGA Wish Charity Car Show is this Saturday, April 15th. Registration is $12 to participate. You may show up the day of but to ensure you get a spot, please fill out the short registration form on our website at Food will be on site so please bring additional money for that, as well as $3 for any additional people you may have with you. Hope some of you can make it out. We would love to have some Vipers at the show!



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