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  1. #1

    WV/PA Region Update 1-19-2014

    To all VOA Viper members,

    We have a lot of great things happening in our region this year.

    1. We have zone directors covering Erie, Pittsburgh, West Virginia, Philly, and Pocono regions. These zone directors are putting on events specific to these locations.

    All zone directors will be reaching out to members in there territory. Right now the only area that we are not covered is the Harrisburg Area. So if anyone wants to

    be a zone director in the Harrisburg area, please let me know. Zone Directors contact info is on our website.

    2. I have some preliminary Logo Designs for our region being worked on and hope to have some finalized designs by the end of the month. Jessica will be able to assist with clothing and if you have a jacket you want the club logo put on.

    3. All the proper paperwork and financials are done for the new club. I am really glad this one is finished.

    4. Holiday Parties - We have Parties set up in Erie, Pittsburgh, WV and Reading Area (East Side of the State). Please respond quickly if you intend to come to any of the parties. It will help with us with the amount of gifts to buy for members attending the parties.

    5. Carlisle - I had the Carlisle events put a VOA for club when registering. Darren & Jessica are working on hotel rooms and coordinating the Carlisle event this year.

    It would be nice to get people from each region to attend. We have a great time and the club pays for lunch on Saturday and the party Saturday Night. The last two

    years Ralph Gilles made the event and usually someone from Chrysler has made an appearance. So if you have questions email Darren.

    6. Regional Website: - The site has all officers and zone directors contact info. We also put a photo of your car on the site under the members section.

    7. Events - All directors are working on a list of events for this year if you have events you think we should add then send to the zone director.

    Thanks again for all viper owners that have joined and are supporting the new Club.

    Mike Kuchavik

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Bucks County, PA
    Thanks Mike.

  3. #3
    Can't wait for driving season! Thanks Mike.

  4. #4
    Mike, as always, I will be attending Carlisle this year, but will be taking the SRT8 Superbee this year. However, I'm sure I'll be hanging with you guys as well. I know you have reached out to me, just that right now, too much going one. I'm settling on my new home at the end of next month, and once moving, etc, is done, I might be able to help out with the PA region a bit more.



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