I'm getting serious with my TA's setup for track day performance and tire longevity. A buddy has taken my tire temps with his Longacre unit on a few occasions, but I'll be using my own consistently this summer in an effort to dial in alignment, pressures and my driving. Factory alignment has never been checked, and I'd like to check it first as a good starting point from which to make any adjustments based on temps.
While the temp reading we've taken have not always been immediate after coming in off a hot lap, they generally show that the fronts are considerably hotter than the rears, and the front insides hotter than the outsides. The front tread always starts to peel/delaminate on outside, indicating overheating that the pyro readings don't reflect, likely because of where the readings are made in the pits relative to the corners on the track that are hardest on the fronts. The higher average front temps would be partially reflecting the higher front brake temps immediately following a high speed straightaway brake zone and from engine temps to a lesser degree. I've been running 32-34 psi all around on the Corsas, and if it is still at factory alignment setting then camber should be -2.5 f/-1.5r. My sense is that alignment and pressures aren't far off, and that the peeling from overheating is from too high corner entry speed on two particular corners where the front pushes a fair bit. I try to show restraint there, but hey, when the chase is on.....
So I'm hoping those of you who have used a pyrometer to dial yours in can offer some advise. Differences in driving styles, tracks and other conditions would affect results but there should be at least some consistency in findings and recommendations, particularly since the suspension is otherwise non-adjustable.
Also, monitoring temps has likely been one reason that has led some of you to install a fully adjustable suspension, thereby allowing you to optimize tire temps and handling. How effective did you find that modification for balancing temps? I suspect I'll be upgrading at some point.
I'll be using the Longacre #50690 with memory...
There are some good tech articles at the bottom of that link for those that would like to learn more about the value of monitoring tire temps.
Thanks in advance for any feedback.