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  1. #26
    those bearings are not correct looking,period

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Morris, IL
    I asked because it is not too far away that the below will be showing up. My previous Gen II's and my current Gen IV have been trouble free, and it would suck ass to have to deal with what has been going on with the new one.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by SRT_BluByU View Post
    To me those look like new bearing with low miles wearing in.... I'm not an expert. A quick google search for worn engine bearings show stuff that looked far worse and other makes under the search new engine bearing wear turned up pix similar to these.. would love to hear SRTs comments. Alas no more engineering chat session.. major bummmer
    To me,it looks like improper surface finish on the crankshaft with a slight taper on journal or the bearing bore.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by serpent View Post
    Lol, Dodge quality.

    I still want a Gen V but would not touch any other dodge.
    You're missing out on a lot of great product then...

  5. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by Angleiron View Post
    I asked because it is not too far away that the below will be showing up. My previous Gen II's and my current Gen IV have been trouble free, and it would suck ass to have to deal with what has been going on with the new one.
    Welcome to the gen 5 ownership... never drive without a fully charged cell phone!

  6. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by angleiron View Post
    i asked because it is not too far away that the below will be showing up. My previous gen ii's and my current gen iv have been trouble free, and it would suck ass to have to deal with what has been going on with the new one.

    love it!

  7. #32
    It's threads like these that keep me on the sideline from getting another Gen V. Yeah, I'm missing out on a lot of potential fun times. But I went through a lot of BS with my 2013 in the short time I owned it

  8. #33
    Sucks to hear that these issues still persist.

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRSNK View Post
    Sucks to hear that these issues still persist.
    You dirty dog......

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    I tend to agree with str_blubyu.. Check your oil level & keep it full! I think it's hard to spin a bearing when the temp is normal.. I wonder how many motors have blown due to low oil levels. just thinking out loud

  11. #36
    I did a lot of research before doing the stage 2 on my GTS-R. It's a process not taken lightly did more homework due to the misinformation on this forum than any other car I have ever purchased.

    Spoke to a lot of top notch engine Viper people.

    Those pics are from an older car - Calvo is ... well look up the VIN of that cars engine and year - this place spreads poor information and it's a slap in the face to the dealers owners who participate and support this forum. You guys have no idea how lucky you are to have guys who race build special parts to support the community its truly something I have never seen in any other brand.

    Not going to type 10 paragraphs to explain how those parts are made and the process of break in but feel free to call some of the real experts.

    If there were a real problem would have spent another 1700.00 and swapped for a Gen 4 motor or moth balled my Gen 5 and bought a Gen 4 to be modified.

    There are 70 - 80 stage 2 builds and I believe one went bad. The only reason i even come on here anymore is to see what guys are doing to their cars to make them more personal.

    Do your own homework and see for yourself.
    Last edited by ACR Extreme; 02-23-2017 at 09:55 PM.

  12. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by ACR Extreme View Post
    I did a lot of research and doing a stage 2 on my GTS-R

    Spoke to a lot of top notch engine Viper people.

    You guys I 100% promise this is BS.

    Those pics are from an older car - Calvo wants to sell parts and sends panic.

    Think whatever you wish - those pics are normal I am not going to type 10 paragraphs to explain how those parts are made and the process of break in but feel free to call some of the real experts.

    If there were a real problem would have spent another 1700.00 and swapped for a Gen 4 motor or moth balled my Gen 5 and bought a Gen 4 to be modified.

    There are 70 - 80 stage 2 builds and I believe one went bad.
    Thats a theory i was discussing among friends today. I hope you are right! ...and if so it would l be very damaging to Calvo's reputation. Obviously we all put a lot of weight on his word. Would love to discuss this more with you soon so i can know what you know!
    Last edited by BJG32; 02-23-2017 at 10:02 PM.

  13. #38
    Damn i really thought this issue was solved !
    Im on the market for an acr and this is mind bogging

    So whats the fix for this issue ? A full rebuild using what brand rod bearing ?!

  14. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by ACR Extreme View Post
    I did a lot of research before doing the stage 2 on my GTS-R. It's a process not taken lightly did more homework due to the misinformation on this forum than any other car I have ever purchased.

    Spoke to a lot of top notch engine Viper people.

    Those pics are from an older car - Calvo is ... well look up the VIN of that cars engine and year - this place spreads poor information and it's a slap in the face to the dealers owners who participate and support this forum. You guys have no idea how lucky you are to have guys who race build special parts to support the community its truly something I have never seen in any other brand.

    Not going to type 10 paragraphs to explain how those parts are made and the process of break in but feel free to call some of the real experts.

    If there were a real problem would have spent another 1700.00 and swapped for a Gen 4 motor or moth balled my Gen 5 and bought a Gen 4 to be modified.

    There are 70 - 80 stage 2 builds and I believe one went bad. The only reason i even come on here anymore is to see what guys are doing to their cars to make them more personal.

    Do your own homework and see for yourself.
    You seem to have the answers. Why not set this thread straight and share them?

  15. #40
    Quote Originally Posted by BJG32 View Post
    Thanks Doug...thats a theory i was discussing amongst friends today. I hope you are right! ...and if so it would l be very damaging to Calvo's reputation. Obviously we all put a lot of weight on his word. Would love to discuss this more with you soon so i can know what you know!
    Ben I have taken a lot of peoples valued time at top places to learn exactly what is going on. They will talk forever it's never been an issue they are 100% honest.

    If I thought there was an issue would have simply moth balled the Gen V new engine bought a Gen IV and modified.

    Some guys are doing it for peace of mind other are modifying their Gen V - but since you love the brand more than anyone I know - it's really worth talking to the guys who know what's going on.

    Mine should be done by end of month - come on by once it hits town and will be more than happy to share what I learned.

    Best buying experience one could ever imagine.
    Last edited by ACR Extreme; 02-23-2017 at 10:11 PM.

  16. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by ACRucrazy View Post
    You seem to have the answers. Why not set this thread straight and share them?
    You want more go for it.

    The metals used break in methods are way beyond my pay grade.

    The experts are more than willing to share answer questions and take care of their customers.

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Adamsville, Tn
    Sounds like you need to call and speak wih Calvo about his expert opinion based on what his shop has seen and fixed. Being a gen 5 owner and having the warranty voided due to heavy mods I understand your need to convince yourself that the newer ones are correct, but if reputable shops have seen 16' and 17' cars with toasted bearing then talk is just talk.

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Adamsville, Tn
    This problem is the number one reason I haven't bought a gen 5. Its not about the money for me its 100% about the principal. The reason I have owned so many vipers is the drop dead reliability. Take that away and Im now shopping for a G.

  19. #44
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce H. View Post
    Have any track rats had engine failures? Curious because I'm not aware of any. Only heard of one guy at the track who didn't have any oil in his engine.
    A few weeks ago at Sebring, during the night session, an orange TA blew the engine and I'm told caught on fire somewhere around Bishop.
    Luke would maybe know more as he and Gary were out there while I was putting a set of rear pads on my car. know...waiting until 5-minutes before the night session started was a great freaking time to do that.
    I know that car was sitting in the paddock the next morning.

    As for my '17, it's has burned no perceptible oil whatsoever. I've changed the oil 6 times now with ~1700 miles on the car.

  20. #45
    Quote Originally Posted by Bmw2nv2000 View Post
    Sounds like you need to call and speak wih Calvo about his expert opinion based on what his shop has seen and fixed. Being a gen 5 owner and having the warranty voided due to heavy mods I understand your need to convince yourself that the newer ones are correct, but if reputable shops have seen 16' and 17' cars with toasted bearing then talk is just talk.
    Agree Calvo could have simply made a mistake by the year - did research on 2017 the only reason I opened and posted here was the thread topic.

  21. #46
    Sucks that we are still having this discussion but the problem is real. The solutions are rather simple

    1. Stay stock, drive it until/if it pops, covered under warranty.

    2. Mod it, drive it until/if it pops, your rich and can afford a rebuild out of pocket.

    3. Sell.

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    So Cal
    There are what...about 3000 gen 5's made in total? Would be interesting to see how many crossed the 10k mark and 20k mile mark? I know Bruce has 20k plus miles with heavy tracking and his has been bullet proof. I also know a few local guys by me that have 20k + miles and no issues. I'm at 10k and running strong with no oil consumption.

  23. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by zee View Post
    There are what...about 3000 gen 5's made in total? Would be interesting to see how many crossed the 10k mark and 20k mile mark? I know Bruce has 20k plus miles with heavy tracking and his has been bullet proof. I also know a few local guys by me that have 20k + miles and no issues. I'm at 10k and running strong with no oil consumption.
    Bullet proof really means nothing until you open the engine up and see what is actually going on.......... but time will tell.

  24. #49
    Bruce H.
    Quote Originally Posted by Snorman View Post
    A few weeks ago at Sebring, during the night session, an orange TA blew the engine and I'm told caught on fire somewhere around Bishop.
    Luke would maybe know more as he and Gary were out there while I was putting a set of rear pads on my car. know...waiting until 5-minutes before the night session started was a great freaking time to do that.
    I know that car was sitting in the paddock the next morning.

    As for my '17, it's has burned no perceptible oil whatsoever. I've changed the oil 6 times now with ~1700 miles on the car.
    It would be interesting to know more about this one, particularly regarding maintenance.

  25. #50
    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce H. View Post
    It would be interesting to know more about this one, particularly regarding maintenance.
    I'll see Luke at Road Atlanta tomorrow so will ask him. I didn't see him much the 2nd day we were at Sebring since it was raining all morning and I packed up and went home.

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