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Thread: Viper Clubs

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Appleton, WI

    Viper Clubs

    Good Morning,

    Just curious as to what everyone thinks of the different Viper Club, and ones worth joining.

    I know everyone here is partial to this one, and I will be joining this one.

    I've seen the Viper Alley, Viper Club of America, etc.

    Just interested in everyone's opinion.

    Sorry if this is an old thread/topic, I didn't see anything on the topic.

  2. #2
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    Oh boy are you opening a can of worms.

    There's a LOT of ugly history that took a great deal of time and energy to put behind us (and not everyone has been as successful at that as others). I'll let others decide how/if they want to respond, but first off, you should be clear that you are confusing clubs and forums/websites.

    There are 2 viper clubs (some might argue that it's more like 1.5) and 3 viper forums (likely more but for the sake of this thread we'll stick with 3). Viper Alley is a forum, not a "club". Both Viper Owners Association (VOA) club members (who are all owners with perhaps a few extenuating exceptions) and non-VOA member "enthusiasts" participate in this forum which is the VOA forum on the VOA website. How that was clear ... hurt my brain in my attempt to explain it.
    Last edited by City; 02-14-2017 at 11:53 AM.
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by City View Post
    Oh boy are you opening a can of worms.

    There's a LOT of history that took a great deal of time and energy to put behind us (and not everyone has been as successful at that as others). I'll let others decide how/if they want to respond, but first off, you should be clear that you are confusing clubs and forums/websites.

    There are 2 viper clubs (some might argue that it's more like 1.5) and 3 viper forums (likely more but for the sake of this thread we'll stick with 3). Viper Alley is a forum, not a "club". Both VOA club members (who are all owners with perhaps a few extenuating exceptions) and non-VOA member "enthusiasts" participate in this forum.
    Yes I knew this would spark some conversations. I know the Alley is a forum, but you can Join and pay a membership, and have meets, which is kinda like a club, at least I thought so.

    I am going to be joining here with the VOA, no question about that, and in NO WAY was I looking to discredit the VOA by asking. Was just curious what was all out there, what's other Viper owners/enthusiasts thought etc.

    Not meant to be negative, although I am sure there will be plenty of that, so I apologize in advance.

  4. #4
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    No worries. It should be a topic that can be discussed civilly. But it usually seems to bring out some bad memories. Discussion is generally considered to be helpful ... I hope.
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  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by jrdaly99 View Post
    Yes I knew this would spark some conversations. I know the Alley is a forum, but you can Join and pay a membership, and have meets, which is kinda like a club, at least I thought so.

    I am going to be joining here with the VOA, no question about that, and in NO WAY was I looking to discredit the VOA by asking. Was just curious what was all out there, what's other Viper owners/enthusiasts thought etc.

    Not meant to be negative, although I am sure there will be plenty of that, so I apologize in advance.
    I evaluated this with my first Viper purchase too a couple of years ago. Basically it came down to this: VOA is stable and you see where your dues go better than with that other place. Also, my local region chose to be a part of VOA so that made it easier.

    I don't browse the Alley much as well it's the typical hide behind your keyboard people over there.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bkrone View Post
    I evaluated this with my first Viper purchase too a couple of years ago. Basically it came down to this: VOA is stable and you see where your dues go better than with that other place. Also, my local region chose to be a part of VOA so that made it easier.

    I don't browse the Alley much as well it's the typical hide behind your keyboard people over there.
    Yes, this is by far the best choice when it comes to joining a club and being involved. Dead on about the mentality at the Alley, there is some good info on there now and then if you can filter out all the BS and find it.

  7. #7
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    Just look at the amount of postings and activity per day here on VOA . Not to mention the amount of knowledge base within members .
    Hope that helps .
    Last edited by J TNT; 02-14-2017 at 12:53 PM.

  8. #8
    VOA Mamba Member
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    The other club isn't particularly active in terms of events and they have rolled the individual regions up into 5 Regions plus Sweden which makes it nearly impossible to have gatherings. For example rather than 3 regions in Texas which seceded when VOA was formed, they merged Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Arkansas into the Gulf States Region.
    Last edited by Herrsss; 02-15-2017 at 12:28 PM.

  9. #9
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    Was a member of VCA for years, not anymore, don’t even post there and haven’t in a few years!!

    Don’t participate in the Alley’s forums anymore because of what was stated above.

    VOA is now my official home, now and forever. The New England chapter is second to none with real, down to earth people with great events!!
    Hope this helps.

  10. #10
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    VCA is a dead stick. Will go bu-bye soon unless they can still dupe a few more people into signing.

    VOA is the Phoenix of what was the mOrgue. More organization, more get togethers.

    Viperally is where you have to put on your big-boy pants. Lot's of Millennial minded(snowflakes) can't handle it and that's fine. Viperalley is the ONLY place where true FREE speech happens in the Viper community. It was the only place where all the back door dealings got exposed. The VCA couldn't delete the threads or people fast enough at their own site. Loved the fact they were helpless to stop it at VA.
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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    VCA is a dead stick. Will go bu-bye soon unless they can still dupe a few more people into signing.

    VOA is the Phoenix of what was the mOrgue. More organization, more get togethers.

    Viperally is where you have to put on your big-boy pants. Lot's of Millennial minded(snowflakes) can't handle it and that's fine. Viperalley is the ONLY place where true FREE speech happens in the Viper community. It was the only place where all the back door dealings got exposed. The VCA couldn't delete the threads or people fast enough at their own site. Loved the fact they were helpless to stop it at VA.
    I'm not familiar with the back door dealings and the apparent situation that took place. Sounds interesting.....

  12. #12
    plumcrazy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    VCA is a dead stick. Will go bu-bye soon unless they can still dupe a few more people into signing.

    VOA is the Phoenix of what was the mOrgue. More organization, more get togethers.

    Viperally is where you have to put on your big-boy pants. Lot's of Millennial minded(snowflakes) can't handle it and that's fine. Viperalley is the ONLY place where true FREE speech happens in the Viper community. It was the only place where all the back door dealings got exposed. The VCA couldn't delete the threads or people fast enough at their own site. Loved the fact they were helpless to stop it at VA.

    keep it up mister and you will be banned

  13. #13
    VOA Member 99RT10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrdaly99 View Post
    I'm not familiar with the back door dealings and the apparent situation that took place. Sounds interesting.....
    It's all on the Alley in the Gen V section if you want to read 1000 pages. Not going to link it here.
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  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    It's all on the Alley in the Gen V section if you want to read 1000 pages. Not going to link it here.
    I'm sure it's been talked to death lol. Don't feel like reading 1000+ pages. Something that can be summed up in a paragraph???

  15. #15
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Yes, let's avoid the details (quite frankly sounds like a soap opera). Simply put - the club conducted itself in a way that resulted in many regions leaving that club for a wide variety of reasons - and many of them very public. The club was also at odds with its manufacturer at the time. Aggressive efforts to change things didn't work, a couple of people in control decided to simply oust its board of directors, and even the clubs founder. Many regions begin to leave after these and other long standing issues came to a boil at the same time. That's about it.

    Fast forward, a few months later the VOA was created to bind the regions that were leaving, then almost all of the remaining regions also voted to leave the other club. This club manages its operations quite differently. It doesn't allow for control by a single individual (its president). It has also created board members of all the regional presidents - so there are actually over 40 people with equal rights managing the clubs direction. It adopted the processes that worked from the past, and put in place new ones to fix old problems. It put in place a highly transparent organization, which was a huge issue before. The VOA publishes all of their membership numbers, finances, meeting minutes, etc... And most notably the activity of the club is unparalleled - the VOA is far more active on a whole, has more regions, more members, more forum activity, and a much thicker/diverse magazine.

  16. #16
    VOA Mamba Member
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    BTW - I see you're from Wisconsin! One of the best clubs is the IL region, that hosts that entire area including yours. They are incredibly active (I used to be their president). What an insane group of people. DEFINITELY link up once you join. You won't regret it. It changes the ownership experience for sure!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoknTires View Post
    BTW - I see you're from Wisconsin! One of the best clubs is the IL region, that hosts that entire area including yours. They are incredibly active (I used to be their president). What an insane group of people. DEFINITELY link up once you join. You won't regret it. It changes the ownership experience for sure!
    Thank you for the info! I have actually reached out and made introduction with the IL region, and will become involved once joined. Just wish there was a WI chapter, and events closer, most down in IL are quit a drive and not something that can be done in a day.

  18. #18
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    They move events to happen in the north as well, just pick the ones that work for you. I know they regularly do cruises and race at Blackhawk.

    Even as their president it never ceased to amaze me, but people drive HOURS to come to those club events. Even meetings, on a Wed night, had many people drive 1-3 hours! (and several from WI that I know). Can't be explained until you're with them. Club spirit at it's best! Have fun out there.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by SmoknTires View Post
    Yes, let's avoid the details (quite frankly sounds like a soap opera). Simply put - the club conducted itself in a way that resulted in many regions leaving that club for a wide variety of reasons - and many of them very public. The club was also at odds with its manufacturer at the time. Aggressive efforts to change things didn't work, a couple of people in control decided to simply oust its board of directors, and even the clubs founder. Many regions begin to leave after these and other long standing issues came to a boil at the same time. That's about it.

    Fast forward, a few months later the VOA was created to bind the regions that were leaving, then almost all of the remaining regions also voted to leave the other club. This club manages its operations quite differently. It doesn't allow for control by a single individual (its president). It has also created board members of all the regional presidents - so there are actually over 40 people with equal rights managing the clubs direction. It adopted the processes that worked from the past, and put in place new ones to fix old problems. It put in place a highly transparent organization, which was a huge issue before. The VOA publishes all of their membership numbers, finances, meeting minutes, etc... And most notably the activity of the club is unparalleled - the VOA is far more active on a whole, has more regions, more members, more forum activity, and a much thicker/diverse magazine.
    That's about as diplomatic and concise an abstract as is possible. I'm pleased to see that the responses in this thread have remained reserved and positive.
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  20. #20
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    In the Land of Viper where the Shadows lie.
    One Club to rule them all, One Club to find them,
    One Club to bring them all, and in the light bind them.....

    VOA all the way!!!!

  21. #21
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    I think that the choice of forums and clubs is simple. Pick the one(s) that most match your personality and forum needs, and what you might want to join in locally.

    Viper Alley is the place to be if you like to discuss and make fun of other people that don't meet your standards. Occasionally, there is also a technical thread that sometimes has good information mixed in with the smack talk. That keeps me visiting.

  22. #22
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    Now "Officially" a member of the VOA group!!

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by 99RT10 View Post
    Viperally is where you have to put on your big-boy pants. Lot's of Millennial minded(snowflakes) can't handle it and that's fine. Viperalley is the ONLY place where true FREE speech happens in the Viper community. It was the only place where all the back door dealings got exposed. people fast enough at their own site.
    Yeah, right....Barf

  24. #24
    VOA Mamba Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrdaly99 View Post
    Now "Officially" a member of the VOA group!!
    Awesome and welcome!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrdaly99 View Post
    Thank you for the info! I have actually reached out and made introduction with the IL region, and will become involved once joined. Just wish there was a WI chapter, and events closer, most down in IL are quit a drive and not something that can be done in a day.
    As a 14 year member from Madison, you will get used to driving to events. And yes it can be done in a long day.

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