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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Tyler. TX

    Azleway Boys Home Car Show and Fundraiser

    Hey everyone, just wanted to put this out there for anyone that would like to come out and support a great cause, see the Rauh's collection, eat some great Texas BBQ and enjoy the fellowship of fellow Viper owners from across Texas. If you'd like to come, please let me know and follow the link below to reserve a hotel room.

    Eric Roberts
    VP North Texas VOA

    Our third Annual Car Show for the Azleway Boys home will be on May 6th. This is our annual event in Tyler that we have been growing over the past couple of years and one of the biggest highlights of the year for the boys that live there. If you're not familiar with Azleway, you can check them out here (Azleway). In short, Azleway is a foster care system in Texas for abused and abandoned children. The Tyler home we support is an all boys home, the kids live and attend school on site as well as trade school type training for the older boys. We hold a car show in which the boys serve as the judges. The last couple of years, the welding class has made really cool trophies for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place cars in each class. We have had anywhere from 25 to 40 Vipers in addition to the 80 to 100 other cars that show up. The boys love it, we love it, and it serves a great purpose. Last year, through tax deductible donations, our show raised over $10,000. The Houston crew has come up the last couple of years and we make a party of it. After the show, we will head out to the Rauh's property for a couple of hours for fellowship and car gazing. If you haven't been out to see their collection, buckle up and get ready. It's impressive and more than worth the effort (as if supporting children wasn't enough!!). If you have seen their collection, you don't need to be convinced you need to see it again. If you haven't seen their collection in the last couple of weeks, then you haven't seen the newest additions. After wandering from garage to garage to garage at Wayne and D'Ann's place, we will all go out to eat together for some Texas BBQ. After BBQ, we will retire to the hotel for some outdoor fellowship and imbibery around the fire pit affectionately deemed our "business meeting." Sunday we will head out for an East Texas country cruise and enjoy lunch before heading back to our respective homes.

    The Marriott Courtyard Tyler will be the host hotel again this year. I have spoken with them and they are excited to have us back. They have a great patio with firepits and plenty of seating. The hotel is freshly remodeled also, finishing up all construction at the end of the month so it will be even better than last year! They have agreed to give us a price of $109/nt and have both king and double queen rooms available on our block. If anyone would like to come early and stay Friday night, they said they would honor the price that night as well. The reservations link will expire 3 weeks prior to the event, so make sure you book ahead of that.

  2. #2
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Booked the room and we'll be there with bells on!



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