True, not the best weather in CT to take out the Viper today but the roads were clear, about 41 degrees and clear. I decided to take out the Viper and assess the new 70mm TB's I installed. First, let me say that the TB's really woke up the pedal. No drive-ability issues, no bucking, etc. Damn it felt good. It felt really good to be out on the prowl.Did my usual test circuit drive. Taking it easy no silliness well until I got on the highway.
A pretty white Maserati was in front of me. The Viper started to foam at the mouth. But I did not fall to temptation. The Maserati decided to punch it and put some distance between us. No biggie I say to myself, let him have his fun. For a short while he would speed up then slow down as I approached him. I was good.He waved me by, gave a thumbs up and I dropped it to 3rd and went WOT on him just to let him know what his pretty white thing doesn't have. A set of balls. For those of you that have heard my Viper then you know what Armageddon sounds like. It felt good.
Anyway, I get off my exit and I'm waiting at the red light. I've driven this way countless times over 7 years in the Viper. Normally, I approach this one particular stop light as if it was the drag strip light. When Green hits look out.Today, and for some reason (perhaps it was the road conditions or some little angel on my shoulder telling me to relax) I hesitated (for a split second) to take off when the light turned green. And I'm glad I did because an SUV ran a red light and came speeding by me within inches of my front fascia. Had I taken off as I normally do, I would've been t-boned right in the driver's side of the Viper. To say I was both pissed and relieved is an understatement.
Be careful out there.