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  1. #1

    Hello from the UK

    Hello everyone.

    New UK member here - not an owner *yet*, having found your forum, I hope to use it in my search for the perfect car - a Gen 2 Viper.

    I've loved these for as long as I can remember, having first been introduced to them in the "Gran Turismo" racing games.

    My current car is a BMW E60 M5, and I have previously owned an E36 M3, amongst others.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Westfield, IN
    Welcome! You may just find exactly what you're looking for right here along with all the info you need to get your search started. So it begins.....enjoy!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Hello Phil, Welcome on board. So come on then what are you after? Any colour preference, interior colour, mods or stock? Im sure we can help you find something to your liking We have noticed GTS prices creeping up in the UK. UK Club cars do not always get advertised on the internet. Its sometimes the case that someone knows someone who is "thinking" of selling and then people get referred RT/10s tend to be the entry level car then the GTS for a a few more £££££

    Feel free to ask questions and make sure you do your research.
    You may not of heard of it but there is a company called Carfax, its equivalent to the UK HPI Check. HPI on American cars is useless in the UK, so if you find a Dodge Viper its worth getting a Carfax check done on the car to show previous owner history. It is not foolproof, but it's better than HPI. And don't forget to ask us as we may know the car too. What area of the UK are you located? You would be welcome to join us at a meet and get a feel for the cars.
    Cheers Mark.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Fatboy 18 View Post
    Hello Phil, Welcome on board. So come on then what are you after? Any colour preference, interior colour, mods or stock? Im sure we can help you find something to your liking We have noticed GTS prices creeping up in the UK. UK Club cars do not always get advertised on the internet. Its sometimes the case that someone knows someone who is "thinking" of selling and then people get referred RT/10s tend to be the entry level car then the GTS for a a few more £££££

    Feel free to ask questions and make sure you do your research.
    You may not of heard of it but there is a company called Carfax, its equivalent to the UK HPI Check. HPI on American cars is useless in the UK, so if you find a Dodge Viper its worth getting a Carfax check done on the car to show previous owner history. It is not foolproof, but it's better than HPI. And don't forget to ask us as we may know the car too. What area of the UK are you located? You would be welcome to join us at a meet and get a feel for the cars.
    Cheers Mark.
    Hi Mark, thanks for the message.

    I'm after a GTS in blue with white stripes and a black interior.

    I'd be looking for a stock car, however light modifications would be considered, as there's a few things I'd do - brake upgrade being up there, along with a slight lowering to reduce the arch gap, however retaining the 17s, as I feel they are so well suited to the car.

    I had imagined importing would be the best route - but time will tell.

    I didn't know about Carfax - so thanks for that info. I've quite a few friends in the USA who have all said they will help where they can

    I'm based in Essex, just outside M25 on the North East side. I've quite possibly seen your car before - were you at Supercar Siege at Leeds Castle in 2015? I was disappointed I couldn't get to the Icons show before Xmas - looked a bit cold mind you!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    Hello, Nope that was not me at the Supercar Siege, I have not ever done that show as they Charge you to enter! I don't like the fact they charge you to enter when we are the reason the show is making money. Im fine with Charity donations but not happy otherwise.

    Mmmm, so a Blue and White GTS.
    One thing about the 17" wheels, tyres are hard to get hold of, they do remake batches of them every now and again but you need to be aware of this. My car is lowered with 18" wheels on spring lowering caps and stock springs. I have a Real hard time getting over speed ramps, so much so that sometimes I have to exit the car and push the car over the ramp then get back in again! The car looks good, but its a PIA.
    More tyre choices with 18" Wheels including Toyos which are great if you push the car on track.

    Our ex presidents car was up for sale a while back, but it does have mods which may not suite you.

  6. #6
    Ahh ok. My mistake!

    Yes. That particular car is a little too heavily modified for me. Good info on the wheels there too - I had heard they were tricky to come by and it seems that options are very limited. Pirelli or Michelin

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Northern England
    Hi Phil & welcome

    Hope you get what you want, but it could be a long wait and when one comes up for sale, be quick! There was a post on FB last week by another guy in the UK actively looking for exactly the same colour combo GTS. Prices seem to be rising too, a couple of years ago they were advertised in the mid 30's but now I think easy £40k+

    Not sure if you can access the link as the FB page maybe a closed group, but you can join up easy if it is.

  8. #8
    Hello, thanks for the message.

    No problem waiting for the right car. £40k+ is what I was expecting I would have to spend, be it for a UK car or a USA import.

    I have requested to join

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    South of London, Surrey
    I have asked our Prez to put the word out that you are looking

  10. #10

  11. #11
    I was that guy haha!!



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