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  1. #1

    Does the windshield wipers of a Gen 4 fit a Gen 5

    I was going though my viper stuff today and found a set of Gen 4 wipers. Will they fit on my Gen 5 which is being shipped to me soon?

  2. #2
    I don't think in 6 years I've ever used my wipers��

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by TwinVipers View Post
    I don't think in 6 years I've ever used my wipers��
    Now there is some useful information for the OP, almost as useful as this post.

  4. #4
    Thanks Special Ed for the support...I asked a simple question because I do not know the answer. If the wipers are no use to me...then I can give them to someone else who can use them since they cost around 100 bucks.

  5. #5
    If I remember correctly, the IV and V use the same windshield. If that is correct, then it is possible the wipers will work. Just a guess since no one seems to know.
    Last edited by EZ 2B Green; 01-17-2017 at 09:44 PM.

  6. #6
    The entire wiper system (motor, linkage and both wiper arms) are identical so they should fit perfectly even though the blade part#'s are different between the 2 Gen's.



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