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  1. #1

    Where do I get this paint

    My ACR did NOT come with the neon green stripe on the tire/rim to follow the tires moving during a track day auto cross? Where can I find a permanent ink/paint to put on my rim/valve stem/tires?

    Thank you guys and gals.


  2. #2
    Is this a joke?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Cottage Grove, WISCONSIN
    It's a manufacturing sticker

  4. #4
    Let me clarify fellas, no it isn't a joke. I'm not talking about the GTS-r sticker IMG_2840.jpg

  5. #5
    The only place I've ever found that type of paint is when they mark parts at a junkyard or pick a part. I'm wanting to know how to locate the neon green paint stripe ON THE TIRE AND RIM!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Paradise Valley
    That's weird that your car didn't have it. My ACR did.
    You can use this-

    That being said, if you are pushing the car hard on the track, they WILL move, there's no way around it.

  7. #7
    This isn't paint, its a sticker that's on the rim and one that's on the tire it serves no purpose outside of mounting the tire on the rim.

  8. #8
    Umm Mnsrt, you are mistaken. Arizona Vipers you are correct. Thank you. Mnsrt, it tells you your tires are moving out of balance after auto x and track events, lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Deadmonton, Albertastan, Canada
    Now the ACR has racing tire / rim paint...

    This is a manufacturing mark for mounting tires on rims done by almost every manufacture of anything with tires...

    Unless my Ford truck and RZR are both made for racing and no one told me.

  10. #10
    Tech Team

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    Oct 2013
    Santa Monica Ca
    We often use paint markers on the rear tire and rim to see if the tire moves on the rim during drag race launches. Thats the only reason you would want to do this.

  11. #11
    You guys challenging me on this are hilarious! I love it. Your getting your panties in a bunch over something simple but effective to my car. It has nothing to do with mounting tires, lol. It has everything to do tracking your ACR. I can't wait for more knowledgeable forum members to speak up. You guys are funny. Keep the disbelief coming. I need to make America Great Again!

  12. #12
    Thank you Dan. It's also for tire creep on rims after autox events.

  13. #13

    Most Extremes come with it. True track rats tell me they have to get their tires balanced after a couple of events with tires moving so much after autox and track events.

    To all of the haters: Do you really think FCA is lazy about mounting tires and leave that on a 150k car? Lol. Keep smoking the Hillary weed. I love it.

  14. #14
    I have had a few sets of ACR wheels and Sidewinder II wheels. All purchased new in the box from the dealer. They had the same yellow sticker on the wheel when it was wrapped in package.

    When I had the tires mounted by a local tire shop, he used the sticker on the wheel and a marker on the tire to do the road force balancing. I asked him about it because I've never seen it done. Something to do with rotating the tire on the rim for balancing.

    Take it for what it's worth.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    San Diego, CA
    Tell me this is a joke.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Alberta Canada
    Haters? Because they don't know why you want this paint mark?

    If you really care about tire rotation on the wheel, any paint marker will do. If you're looking for concourse markings, I can understand why you're looking for the specific type. FWIW any tracked car can have the tires rotate while on track, it isn't an ACR specific issue.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2016
    Seminole, FL
    OK those yellow stickers on the rim and tire from the factory are not what you (the OP) think they are for.

    Yes the track rats in this thread are correct. Marking your tire and the rim to check if the tire is spinning on the rim is a normal practice.

    But the the stickers that come on these tires from the factory are not there to check for that. They are used as a guide to mount the tires. No tires are perfectly the tire company marks the tires at their low balance point. In turn the wheel manufacture does the same and marks the low spot on the wheel. Line the stickers up and in theory that is the best the wheel and tire will balance out.

    These yellow stickers come on every single FCA car from mini vans, patriots, jeeps, etc.

    Sure if you want to leave them on and use them as a tire spin guide go for it. But from the factory that was not what the intention of these stickers are for.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Montgomery Texas
    I really hope this is a weak troll attempt.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    South Florida
    This has to be the best thread of the year!!! ROTFLMAO

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark1107 View Post

    Most Extremes come with it. True track rats tell me they have to get their tires balanced after a couple of events with tires moving so much after autox and track events.

    To all of the haters: Do you really think FCA is lazy about mounting tires and leave that on a 150k car? Lol. Keep smoking the Hillary weed. I love it.
    Is that Instagram post from Andy of VE? If so, he needs to be more selective with his hashtags. Yolo? Ferrari? GTR? Hemi? Mustang? Hellcat? Porsche? Lamborghini? Camaro?

    How the heck are these hashtags relevant to the video in the post?

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    South Florida
    Okay, let's clue everyone in. I've spent more than my fair share of time in racing paddocks and with most of the tire distributors.

    Neither tires, nor rims, are perfectly balanced from the factory. Unless you've done it in advance, your tire installer will spin the rim on the balancer and mark its heavy spot (usually at the valve, but not always). The racing tires in his truck are marked by the manufacturer at their light spot. The installer matches up the marks when he mounts the tire to the rim, and you at least get as close as possible to having a naturally balanced tire/wheel. He then does a final balance and hopefully does not have to add too much weight.

    Now, that's roadracing. The autox guys may mark their tires/wheel for the slip of the tire along the wheel bead. High HP cars can do this, and I suppose it can happen on braking too. The problem is that there's not much you can do about it, even if you notice it happening on your car. You need to change the wheel. Recall that GTR's came out with a splined edge on the inside of the wheel rim to grab against the bead of the tire. Other street cars started showing up with this feature as well. My hunch is that ACR wheels already incorporate this.

    So, if the ACR wheel already has it, marking this with paint to measure slip is wasting your time (unless it is so bad, that you are going to buy other rims -- but we would have heard about a significant issue from others by now), unless you just want your car to look more like a racecar.

    As for what paint do they use? Really? How about anything that you can easily remove from your painted rim? Neon green, blue, red, hot pink... whatever floats your boat. Hell, get some plasti-dip so that you can remove it easily. I suppose tape could work too.

    This thread was fun while it lasted
    Last edited by Scott_in_fl; 01-10-2017 at 08:54 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    It's not paint and you don't want the factory stickers as they will just fall off when heated up. You do realize the ACR wheels are internally ribbed on the inner barrel to prevent tire movement on the wheel right?

    Hope you can afford this stuff.

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by Mark1107 View Post
    You guys challenging me on this are hilarious! I love it. Your getting your panties in a bunch over something simple but effective to my car. It has nothing to do with mounting tires, lol. It has everything to do tracking your ACR. I can't wait for more knowledgeable forum members to speak up. You guys are funny. Keep the disbelief coming. I need to make America Great Again!
    Now that more knowledgeable members have spoken, it will be interesting the see the response from the OP that insist on calling them ignorant

    Great thread to follow while it's snowing outside.

  24. #24
    Also, everyone giving Mark a hard time is being ridiculous. Obviously, you guys are either track newbies or don't push the limits of your vehicles.

    Only real drivers use the technique he is talking about, so it's not surprising most of you would be unaware of it.

    Too many of you guys are more concerned about waxing your snake or making videos about street racing than actually pushing these cars to their limits in their natural habitat- the track!!!

    I actually pity you guys because you're missing out on true driving nirvana. The Viper is the last true "driver's car." Where else can you get a massive engine, sexy body, world-class interior, and MANUAL transmission? You can't because manufactures are pandering to the wimps of the world, not listening to real men like us!!

    Gentleman, you'd better sell every possession you own before you let go of your snake. These babies are going to rocket up in value just like the Ford GT did and you won't want to be on the sidelines when it does. Literally, the most secure investment you can make outside of insider trading!!


  25. #25
    lol at this entire thread.
    As pointed out, those are stickers, not tire chalk. Tire chalk is mostly used by drag racers to determine if the tire is rotating on the wheel during launch, thereby sacrificing torque transmitted to the ground and 60' times. If it's determined the tire is moving, then they can be screwed or a move to beadlocks is warranted. Tire chalk is also used to help determine effective tire pressures by marking the shoulder and determining sidewall rollover. However, most informed people use a pyrometer and closely observe tire wear from session to session.
    As XSnake noted, the ACR wheels are knurled. In another thread I posted pics of my spare set before tires were mounted. The tire would only move under braking, you're not accelerating hard enough on-track, nor is the surface sticky enough (or maybe even the ACR powerful enough) to spin the tire on the wheel. And even if it what? Are you going to run out to a tire shop and have it re-balanced between sessions or track days.
    And why is it always the guys who have done a couple of track days or who have very limited time on track talking down to other owners about what they do with their cars? NT-ACR...let's see all of your track videos. In any car. Ever.

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