Happy New Year, everyone! I hope it is your happiest year, yet.
My name is Jeri: have been a Car Guy for 50 years. Seriously, I started liking cars when I was 6 years old. I thought everyone liked cars, why not? But soon found that wasn't the case and then thought "maybe I'm weird". And in less than two seconds discarded that thought for "I don't care if anyone else does, I do!" And it was on from there. My dad took me ALOT of car shows and some 1/4 mile events. For many years I was part of a successful dirt track race team. I have drooled over many a car growing up; Cougars, Camaros, T-birds, and Corvettes. Then I found Mopar. The 'Cudas, the Roadrunners, the Chargers(I love the look of the '66 Charger-what a beauty), the Superbirds and Charger Daytonas. How could Dodge EVER go wrong? Their designs were timeless then and remain so. But, still, none were a "car" that stood out enough for a raise of my eyebrows and pass out from "love at first sight." I remember saying, out loud, no less, "Now, THAT is a car." That was 1992 and the passion has never waned. As with some of us, the "unattainable" became just that, unattainable..... for many, many years. I have saved my money since that glorious year, albeit there were many years I did not donate. Kids, wives, blah, blah, blah.
Fast forward; a couple of years ago I decided to "bite the bullet" and buy my dream car. I "fished" for 8 months. I would fish when I got up for the day, I would fish before I left for work. I fished during work, after work, and immediately when I got home. Heck, guys, I would wake up at 1:00AM and fish. One night I pulled up my anchor and went to bed at 11:30PM. Back up at 6:30 and found a new listing. There was no pic as it was just listed. I was the first to call. After much deliberation and research I said "Yes". A week later I had a '98 GTS, Silver/Blue. 1:21 in '98. Not a real big deal in the Viper world, but impressive to those that don't know. Purcashed from Roanke in August, 2015. The Viper mechanic said, "We haven't had time to clean it, yet." Looked perfect to me. On our way back there were so many cars slowing down to see the car, take pics of it or videos, no less while driving. Man, what a feeling, that of pride and the WOW factor. As many have stated, for months I would just stand and stare at it, not just because of the uncontrollable beauty of the car, but also, "I can't believe this is mine". It now resides in my new garage/shop.
I still desire the '92 that started it all. THE Viper. It will ALWAYS be the icon of the American auto industry. I have figured out how to get the RT/10, which, by the way is a GORGEOUS car, now I just need to raise the ceiling an additional 12inches and I can do it.
I will post pics in the near future.
The last car I want is a Prowler with no engine side panels because the big Hemi won't fit, otherwise.
Thanks for having me. I know it's gunna be fun.
Be well and have a glorious day.