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  1. #1
    VOA Mamba Member
    since 2013

    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Sunny Scottsdale Arizona!

    Cool VOA Sets New Record Today 2000 Members Worldwide

    It's been a goal since the VOA was started, perhaps because it's such a round number, but also because we know that a reasonable projection of active members who would be part of the club is somewhere in the mid 2000's (based on trends seen with the old and new club over the last 10 years, the 2009 downturn, and of course the end of the car this year). Our goal has been to hit 2000 members and as of today - we reached that goal!

    When the club was started (along with a large group of people who helped establish it), we expected a starting point of 1000 initially, with the hope of possibly 1600 over the next 2 years based on the majority of regions wanting something new. We hit 1600 quickly, in the middle of the first year actually, and so we simply thought of 2000 as a great goal for the future of the club. Over the following year we quickly got in the ballpark as we crossed 1900. But what a wonderful way to end the best year for the club so far, by reaching that goal.

    Those who know me, know well that I care deeply for this club, it's progress, and especially its culture. Along with those who helped start the club (and my fellow cofounder Maurice), its passion alone that builds things like this. It's a privilege to be part of this club, as it's something that far, far less than 1% will ever do when you think about! I'm surrounded by so many regional and national leaders (and all their volunteers) who work to make this club what it is - with 37 regions around the world. That's a tall order to organize on volunteer resources, but an unselfish group of well over 100 people help to lead it daily, along with another 1900 supporting cast! I just wanted to say thank you to all of the members - as they are what make the club vibrant. If this were a club of 500, it wouldn't quote work as you need activity, volunteers, and resources to drive something interesting for people to be a part of (and to be proud of). But thanks to so many who join the cub, support it, and participate in its activities - we continue to grow and can enjoy hitting our milestone.

    2017 will be a special year - we are in such a good place as a club moving into the new year. We have more Bucket List events planned than ever before. We also have some nice little surprises (one of them coming in your 2017 member packets), and of course, in Q4, registration opens for the largest Viper gathering on the planet - NVE3!! I'm so excited about this as it's a party people will really enjoy (thanks to all your input on our survey) and at a location that lends itself to some pretty spectacular plans... 2017 is going to be busy!

    Thank you all to the members of this club. I've truly been proud to lead such a strong group of people, who in relatively small numbers, manage a pretty serious impact on the automotive community and its brand. Kudos!!

    And for posterity's sake:

    Last edited by SmoknTires; 12-29-2016 at 12:01 PM. Reason: Added Photo



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