All of the Limited Models went through the One of One Program ( all Dealers ordered the cars through the Concierge System) , and the individual who brought up the point about the SSGs had a super valid point. The Coupe was available , but folks seemed to want it done as an ACR, so Dodge made an adjustment at the last minute. There are some Coupe ( GTCs) being done , supposedly, but most appear to now be ACR-Es , so will be interesting to get an exact number. Sent in a request , but many folks are on vacation, but I am as interested in the final answer as many of your are.
Bred, absolutely sure about our decision!!! We made it very, very early and whether right or wrong , we did not see the value in 33 Vipers with just a Dealer name attached as the difference and passed. That does not take away the fact that you and many others will definitely enjoy that model, and congrats on you getting the Viper of your dreams. Pleased like many others that you are so happy. I broke down and got a Gen V myself and it is truly and amazing , amazing machine.
Actually the good news is that one of the main concerns Viper buyers have had for years is that sold orders often seemed to have no precedence over Dealer orders and many unsold cars were on the lots , while custom builds languished. The actual reason the SSGs are delayed is that they were an after thought and are the very last of the Limited Models to be approved . Plus , though the Vooodoo IIs sold out to Dealers quickly , they were not sold to individuals as quickly at all Dealers. Dodge/SRT is doing their best to actually prioritize the One of One " Sold " orders and it is easy to ascertain , as we even see it with our Limited Edition models.................those that were sold first , were built more quickly. I watch it daily and it has been pleasing to see most " Sold " orders moving at a different pace and definitely prioritized. Example; first three 1:28s we received were the first three folks that bought them and it appears the others we have coming are also being done in order of their names being entered through the Concierge System. Not perfect , but a wonderful sign after all these years that it appears orders are being lined up with more concern to consumer's past requests.
Seems to me they are doing both. They announced the SSG edition coupe and it sold out and then there was demand for SSG edition ACR-E so they did that too.
Last edited by ViperDC; 12-30-2016 at 11:08 AM.
SSG Coupes - 25
SSG ACRs - 31
Tomball Dealer Edition- 11
Roanoke Dealer Edition-11
Policy Limits - winning
Bill do you foresee any difference in resale value if the car is a GTC-ACR or distinguished as strictly just an ACR? I plan on eventually picking one of these up over the next few years and want to know what I am looking at and if it matters when the time comes. Also is their a denotation on the VIN that lets you know which is which or how to tell?
Last edited by Boosted Motorsports; 01-03-2017 at 02:47 PM.
ACR One of One will state on the Window Sticker it has the ACR Option Group, but then it will also be on the side of said Viper ( decal ). I imagine your question will ignite an argument , in which no one is right , since there will be those that feel it has to be a regular ACR to be the most valuable , while others will swear by the One of One ACR for many of their unique build characteristics. To keep it quite simple, though, from the beginning of 2016 model launch, right after the initial ACRs came out ( we had around 10 ordered ) , we discussed some items with Dodge/SRT that we and others felt helped the 1 of 1 program take off. From that point till now we have only done one more conventional ACR. Frankly we think the public spoke and the desire for a custom ACR or ACR-E dominated the sales scenario. It is apparent that Dodge/SRT felt that way in the final year, as the Limited Editions all follow the One of One standard for basic equipment -- 12 speaker stereo, rear carpeting, hood pad, extra sound deadening ,etc.
We all know what will happen now -- the camps with regular ACRs will argue there are fewer of them ,and the 1 of 1 ACR owners will say theirs are more distinct. This should go on for at least 20-30 thread replies if normal, ha,ha. Actually I think all the Gen Vs will end up winners, and that comment will probably get another 30 replies.
Last edited by Bill Pemberton; 01-03-2017 at 02:57 PM.