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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    S.W. Ohio

    Did I make the right decision

    I purchased this Gen IV with 590 miles on it over the Gen V GTS with 6400 miles on it.

    The Gen V would have been $8K more and had the issues stated below.

    The Gen V was a Buy back due to Hood paint problems and replacement.
    The car fax does state it was a lemon.

    Gen IV

    Gen V

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Chalfont, PA
    I like the Gen IV ACR. No miles and you bought it right. Did it come with the splitter extension? First one I have seen in that color with the dual silver stripes.

    That said that Gen V is pretty and can see why it was a consideration.

    Congrats on your purchase!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    The Western Reserve
    Quote Originally Posted by Racingswh View Post
    I like the Gen IV ACR. No miles and you bought it right. Did it come with the splitter extension? First one I have seen in that color with the dual silver stripes.

    That said that Gen V is pretty and can see why it was a consideration.

    Congrats on your purchase!!
    Thats not an ACR. It's an Aero Coupe.

  4. #4
    I’m in the same spot as you, Gen-4 or Gen-5, except I haven’t purchased yet. I’ve been pricing Vipers for about 2 months now and I’d say you got a great deal on basically a brand new car, and as far as the Gen-5, I personally wouldn’t purchase a car that has a story.

    There was some mention of other Gen-5s on this Forum in the high $60s and if a Gen-5 is what you want, a Gen-5 is what you should get, I myself am still undecided.

    PM me your driving experience on both, I haven’t driven either yet and I’d like some input from someone that’s in the same predicament as me and what made you decide Gen-4. Thanks.

  5. #5
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    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazak View Post
    I purchased this Gen IV with 590 miles on it over the Gen V GTS with 6400 miles on it.

    The Gen V would have been $8K more and had the issues stated below.

    The Gen V was a Buy back due to Hood paint problems and replacement.
    The car fax does state it was a lemon.

    Gen IV

    Gen V
    You can "What if" yourself until you drive yourself crazy. The one you purchased is a great looking it and don't worry about or what others say. If I had owned a Gen IV vs a Gen III, there's a great chance I never would have upgraded to a Gen V. Just my 2 cents worth. Merry Christmas

  6. #6
    Understandably a tough price range to shop. I too was shopping in the $60K's. To me it's either get a top of the line GenIV that is perfect, or buy a GenV that either has a story or is poorly optioned that others don't want in this price range. I decided to go for a GenIV that was my favorite color, favorite factory wheels, basically flawless, and only had 1,846 miles on it. I do not regret my decision!

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by 01sapphirebob View Post
    Thats not an ACR. It's an Aero Coupe.
    TY. Learned something new. I appreciate it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    S.W. Ohio
    Quote Originally Posted by 01sapphirebob View Post
    Thats not an ACR. It's an Aero Coupe.
    Yes it is . I had one like it before, except no stripes. I loved the color.

    I have a Stryker green Gen V and would prefer to drive V over the IV.

    Previous Aero that Went to Roanoke and has been sold a couple years ago:

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Morris county, NJ & Bonita Springs, FL
    That gen IV aero is beautiful!! And basically brand new, enjoy the hell out of it and don't look back!

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    So Cal
    Just curious - have you driven a Gen 5? I think that will tell you if you made the right decision...

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    You're posting in the Gen V section so the consensus will be you've made a terrible decision.

    Post in the Gen 3/4 section for confirmation in the best decision you've ever made.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Voice of Reason View Post
    You're posting in the Gen V section so the consensus will be you've made a terrible decision.

    Post in the Gen 3/4 section for confirmation in the best decision you've ever made.
    Hahahaha..... logical!

  13. #13
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    Northern England
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazak View Post
    Yes it is . I had one like it before, except no stripes. I loved the color.
    Beautiful car, good choice. You already have a Gen V, so why buy another

    When you say 'Yes it is' I presume you mean Aero, and NOT an ACR? The production numbers I see don't show any ACR's in this color with silver stripe
    Last edited by sonicbloo; 12-27-2016 at 03:34 AM.

  14. #14
    So they replaced the hood on the GenV because of paint problems ? Then they branded the car a lemon because of that ?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Chandler, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by v10enomous View Post
    So they replaced the hood on the GenV because of paint problems ? Then they branded the car a lemon because of that ?
    They branded it a lemon because the owner invoked the lemon law to have the car bought back by the manufacturer. The reason that I am not interested in a lemon car is that often there is more to it than the one thing that is listed somewhere as the cause of the buyback.

    It is really unfortunate that so many Vipers now have branded titles for things that should have been fixed for their owners.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by zee View Post
    Just curious - have you driven a Gen 5? I think that will tell you if you made the right decision...
    I currently have a Gen V and keeping it. This will be my second viper.

    My question "Did I make the right decision" is merely from a resale stand point .The question should have been , Which is a better buy ?

    I should have made this clear in my original post. If the gen V I was considering would have not had a record , I think it would have been a better buy .

  17. #17
    Yes. You made the right decision. You just bought the most reliable Viper practically new for nearly 50% off.
    And it's a rare colored rare aero package to boot!

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Mazak View Post
    I currently have a Gen V and keeping it. This will be my second viper.

    My question "Did I make the right decision" is merely from a resale stand point .The question should have been , Which is a better buy ?

    I should have made this clear in my original post. If the gen V I was considering would have not had a record , I think it would have been a better buy .
    So the question is resale results of buying a 9 year old previous generation car with virtually no miles on it and then driving the car vs buying a second GenV with more typical use when you already have pretty much the same car ?

    When such questions come into my head, my conclusion is usually that I must be bored but in your case if I felt I needed to do something I would have gone with the Gen4 to have something different...
    Last edited by v10enomous; 12-27-2016 at 07:23 AM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Chandler, AZ
    The answer to the OP's question is very simple. If you feel the need to ask others if you made the right decision; then, you obviously did not.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Given the opportunity, I'd have at least one of every generation. Having a Gen V in the stable now, my next Viper would likely be a Gen IV ACR or Aero Coupe. Good call.

  21. #21
    My personal opinion is the Gen4 will be the most sought after if you look at the production numbers. Look at how many have been wrecked

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by AZTVR View Post
    The answer to the OP's question is very simple. If you feel the need to ask others if you made the right decision; then, you obviously did not.

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Greenwood Village, CO
    Viper Bright Blue is a beautiful color. Definitely an aero car not an ACR though.

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Drive and sit in a G4
    Then drive and sit in a G5.

    It will be painfully obvious. That's what I did when i nearly bought a 2009 VOA car.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by donk_316 View Post
    Drive and sit in a G4
    Then drive and sit in a G5.

    It will be painfully obvious. That's what I did when i nearly bought a 2009 VOA car.
    i did this vise versa and it was night and day after i got my 5

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