Ok, went thru my decision process to do a viper again, now, which one. I think my ownership smart move would be the TA 2.0, the ACR would provide less depreciation for a couple reasons. But here's where I am, your thoughts are welcome.
I do drive my vipers, so it'll see 3-5k per year. I have a race car and most track is spent racing, so few Viper track days, I usually only do like 3-4 track day events in a street car per season, so track use is very light, and just for fun, giving ride alongside, etc.
All my below options will be equal amounts of money, within a couple grand difference at most, so money isn't a factor, the budget is the same for all.
ACRE- lightly used, under 1500 miles and only build dates after Jan 2016, after block washing started.
Pros and cons- I'd have to upgrade the stereo, but most have paint protection already. ACR would be slightly used and an ACRE so depreciation would be jump started, and so reasonably controlled. At this price point, it's totally stock. Adding anything, adds to the budget. Unknowns, ride quality for doing real driving, not having the flick of a switch dual mode suspension vs manually adjusting, less ground clearance and driving. And then there's having an ACRE that's so track oriented when I'm only tracking a few times a year.
TA 2.0- this is for a new one, would have HK 18 spkr setup, otherwise, a straight TA 2.0. So I get a zero mile car, I would add paint protection, film or wrap, or dip. I then have $ for a setup from Calvo for a 680-700whp which is my dream spot for pretty trouble free awesome setup. Also a post Jan 2016 build. But, the second I buy it, I flush about $10k minimum in depreciation, and another $12-14k in mods that would have less residual value on a TA than an ACRE.
I'm really struggling to choose between the TA 2.0 vs ACR. I have found a couple ACRs with the stage 2 already on them, but they're pre-Jan 2016 builds and so I'd have debris concerns, and I'm trying to buy as smartly as possible, and buying post block cleaning has been recommended to me so I'm trying to stick to it.
Sorry for the length.