Are there any reviews of the ipsco oil filters ?
Are there any reviews of the ipsco oil filters ?
Never heard of them. I know IPSCO well in fact I even know the owner. Do you have a link as to where you saw them?
Edit: Just checked IPSCO's website, pretty trick looking oil filter. Expensive but if it is reusable as it states it could be a bargain.
Last edited by ViperGeorge; 12-14-2016 at 03:30 PM.
nothing is better than the oem srt filter in this case in my opinion, model number 5038041AA
Factory oil filters go into bypass mode when the oil is cold and thick, the paper filter material can't keep up filtering the oil thru the paper, so the bypass valve open up and sends all the junk in your oil right on to the engine, NOT Good. So every day when you start up your car, your paper filter is not protecting you, that one of the reason the GEN 5 motors have had problems because the filter did not catch the metal left in the block from machining. The K&P filters flow up to 7 times more oil and meets or exceeds factory unit filtration so it's not going to void your warranty and the filters have been certified by the FAA for use in the aviation industry. This filter also allow you to see if you have a problem with junk in your oil unlike a paper filter you have to cut open the oil filter and search in the paper to see if you are having a problem, while the K&P filter you just take off the filter and remove the internal assembly with a twist and you can see if anything is in the filter, wash it out and put it back on the car. This technology has been used by the racing industry for over 40 years.
Just so I am clear. Are you then suggesting that SRT decided to use a filter that does not filter the oil at start up when cold ? This type of filter being used by 99 % of all Vipers out there. If so, that's a pretty bold statement
Also, if this is accurate information, why would you not share it on one of the countless threads regarding engine failures ?
Last edited by commandomatt; 12-14-2016 at 10:58 PM.
I thought him saying it would not void the warranty was bold. Yes it shouldn't, but do you really trust FCA that much to make a public statement like that? The answer should be no.
For what its worth i am now considering getting one, but i have an arrow pcm already.
This is the case for all paper filters. It isn't just SRT engineering choice.
I have this Ipsco filter in my car. Only one oil change so far. I will be doing lab tests at each oil change. I'm not expecting any interesting results but we'll see.
Last edited by fuggles; 12-15-2016 at 02:05 AM.
I believe when the bypass valve opens oil flows from the pump back into the sump, and not through the oil circuit and bearings. It is supposed to limit the maximum oil pressure by bleeding the system in that manner, though valve dynamics like in Gen 3 can result in higher pressure spikes. Only the oil filter bypass valve can bypass the filter.
I've cut them apart. M1 Napa gold and the oem viper. After that I now use the oem viper filter. you should try the same, and the filter isnt the problem, its the oil, this natural gas craze that penzoil is proud of, no thank you, as soon as my warranty is up im switching to mobile one, i dont know why they would experiment with new oil, i know marketing and everything but just like how the pushrod engine is still around engineers like to stick with whats tried and true.
It's made by K&P, it's an oil filter, has a rare earth magnet in it. It reduces restriction to oil flow and reduces oil pressure differential between the pressure coming out of the pump pre filter, and after the filter as compared to a throw away filter.
Great customer service, very responsive. Have one on my built supercharged 03. Did 4 or 5 oil changes in first 1500 miles, washed the filter with warm water and Palmolive.i think it pays for itself in around 10 oil changes.
My Cayenne Turbo's use this exact same approach to oil filtering. I think it would be fine. Mark is very upstanding guy, even if he did just trade in his GEN V for a new Z06 Vert.