If FCA has decided to honor warranty on motors with spun crank bearings with Arrow PCM's I will be on the phone with flatout placing an order today.
But I am skeptical that this is the case.
If FCA has decided to honor warranty on motors with spun crank bearings with Arrow PCM's I will be on the phone with flatout placing an order today.
But I am skeptical that this is the case.
I'm sorry for keeping you guys in the dark! I was keeping my fingers crossed while things were in motion. I received multiple calls (Andy, Dealer service manager, FCA) that my warranty has been restored and that the engine will be covered - it will take some time for it to arrive as it's not currently in stock. Props to Andy for all his time spent fighting for everyone behind the scenes all year. There are a lot of other people that put in a ton of time and effort, many forum members, the Arrow/Prefix guys, and a few good folks at FCA that want to do the right thing.
I'm sure there are lots of questions, and I don't have all the answers, such as whether or not it's ok (from a warranty perspective) to put the Arrow PCM on, but hopefully more clarification on that will come. As of now, to be safe, I've told the dealer to keep the stock PCM installed until I can make a more informed decision. It's still a great car without the Arrow PCM, but I very much want to have it back in, as it makes a world of difference in power, sound, and throttle response.
Awesome news dhx!
Maybe everyone on here can finally collectively take a breath.
That's great news but I still think the Arrow PCM will always be an out for FCA. I just want the decel pop....I don't even care about the extra power lol.
I drove one of my customers Viper the other day with the Arrow.....I kept just getting on the gas and letting it decel to hear the pop lol.
My gut feeling is that it will be on a case by case basis, but time will tell.
Christmas miracle. .lol..
Wow, great news! I hope Andy chimes in here soon because I think he'll have a buyer on an Arrow PCM and possibly full exhaust if I know my warranty will survive.
There's just not a strong enough emoji for this news.
So happy FCA stepped up for you, DHX, hopefully a sign for all.
Very happy holiday to you, indeed.
Thanks guys, it's definitely a huge relief and my depression about the situation, the car, the brand... has turned into renewed excitement!
Very happy to read this and that the OP is getting resolution. Glad that FCA is covering it, AS THEY SHOULD.
Hopefully applies to other arrow cars including Saca and the other dude whose name escapes me. I'm skeptical. I don't trust multibillion dollar international corporations.
Still a bit early to tell, but Andrew Saca was helped out as well. As already mentioned I think things will be done on a case by case basis, as they should be, and how they have honestly always been done.
Congrats bud, and it was great getting to know you even if it wasn't under the best circumstances.
Good news. I was about to go look at getting a new bike, but will look at performance mods for the viper now. The bike can wait.
Case by case makes sense. If the car comes in without oil in it, then blame the owner, if the owner installs a supercharger, blame the owner but will they now be inclined to say the Arrow Controller was likely not the cause of a spun bearing? is everyone sort of safe to leave the controller installed? We still need some improved guidance especially those they might look at a modded car for purchase.
And, there are Viper owners who debate as to why they should join and support the VOA Viper club. I very much doubt that this outcome for the community would have happened without this VOA forum and members.
Great news! Still keeping the faith in FCA.
This is obviously great news from a warranty stand-point. FCA stepped up and did the right thing by covering failures that they determined were not related to the PCM. With that said, I am still more than a little interested in the root causes of the failures, the nature of the damage inflicted, and what, if anything, can be done to prevent re-occurrences.
Eating popcorn here.....carry on
Seems like everyone had a good Christmas around here.. I'm happy to see positive news on the boards.