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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Viper Drive, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Special Ed View Post
    Yes it's always good encourage theft from someone else's insurance company, after they have posted photos that showing the parts weren't on the car.
    Not very smart (STUPID) wink, wink.
    Special Ed seems to fit you just right. He's clearly kidding. RELAX.

  2. #27
    Screw it....if somebody is willing to crash into your car, pull over then pull away, you've got to really think why he doesn't want to be caught. Those kind of people are the "unpredictables" willing to kill or injure others for as little as not getting caught with drugs or wanted for something by the law. Probably not worth trying to catch or confront him since your insurance is going to take care of it anyway (less your deductible). Seriously, not worth losing sleep over if they didn't hurt you or a loved one.

    If they did threaten you or a family member, then all bets are off and you've got to do what you've got to do. Physical things can all be replaced and probably with a lot less drama than him lying and claiming you sideswiped him and now the insurance companies want to split it 50/50 between the two parties since it is his word against yours.

    I've been in a couple of situations where we witnessed a driver doing an extremely dangerous act (like running a stop sign at a school crossing doing about 80 mph) and we caught him and got his license plate number....all while talking to 911 on the phone explaining what happened, the car, the license plate and where the car was. The cops are kind of useless in this situation....unless you can prove who was driving the vehicle in question, it is a waste of time to even try to get the cops involved. Very hard to do even with a dash cam. Save your breath.

    Shitty that this happened, but as long as you're ok, nothing else matters.

  3. #28
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    Nov 2013
    I would have been following that Tahoe while on the phone with the police. As long as there was evidence of orange paint on the Tahoe, then that would be sufficient evidence in conjunction with a pursuit while calling 911 to have the officer ticket (at the very least) and possibly arrest the individual to ensure they were held responsible.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    wtf....and wtf

  5. #30
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona
    As far as how much...I used to own body shops and the simple answer is MUCH more than your deductible. It's hard to tell exactly how much just from photos but 20k wouldn't surprise me, and I'm assuming that rear quarter panel just needs paint.

    As far as following the person, I wouldn't recommend for exactly why trackaire said. There is a reason they didn't stop and I don't think you want to find out what that is. I'm in AZ and yes I am always armed to some degree. Does that mean I want to get in a protracted gunfight? Hell no!!! Especially with a Tahoe that could have 6 people in it. 4 people (even idiots with no training) with assault rifles, hell even pistols, pop out of that Tahoe while you are still in your car and things will not end well.

    You did the right thing. That's why we have insurance. Does it suck? Yes. Bigtime. Was it worth your life? No. And of course what I described was a worst case scenario. It could have just been some scared 17 year old and probably was. But some stuff in life just isn't worth it. I'm glad you are ok.

  6. #31
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    Rocky Mountains
    Quote Originally Posted by Special Ed View Post
    Yes it's always good encourage theft from someone else's insurance company's, after they have posted photos that showing the parts weren't on the car.
    Not very smart (STUPID) wink, wink.
    Part of the problem in this current world is people not taking responsibility for their actions (hit and run) and others that hang on every friggin word like they know every intent behind it and piss and moan or degrade others for their own purpose) If you could not use your head (including common sense) and clearly see that I was kidding, that is your problem. dont think (stupid) is called for.

    Was trying to lighten up an obvious stressful and bad situation for the OP, as nobody can do anything else but that for him right now. I apologize if I seem course in this response but I am truly sick and tired of people that just take their spin and twist and twist. That us the problem with email and social media. People write and read but they fail at communicating or understanding.
    Last edited by Coloviper; 12-03-2016 at 09:26 AM.

  7. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Vprbite View Post
    As far as how much...I used to own body shops and the simple answer is MUCH more than your deductible. It's hard to tell exactly how much just from photos but 20k wouldn't surprise me, and I'm assuming that rear quarter panel just needs paint.

    As far as following the person, I wouldn't recommend for exactly why trackaire said. There is a reason they didn't stop and I don't think you want to find out what that is. I'm in AZ and yes I am always armed to some degree. Does that mean I want to get in a protracted gunfight? Hell no!!! Especially with a Tahoe that could have 6 people in it. 4 people (even idiots with no training) with assault rifles, hell even pistols, pop out of that Tahoe while you are still in your car and things will not end well.

    You did the right thing. That's why we have insurance. Does it suck? Yes. Bigtime. Was it worth your life? No. And of course what I described was a worst case scenario. It could have just been some scared 17 year old and probably was. But some stuff in life just isn't worth it. I'm glad you are ok.
    Exactly, thank you, we think the same

  8. #33
    Even if the guy stopped he's only going to say YOU ran into him. "He was speeding in that Viper and damn near killed me officer."
    It's not like he's going to admit to the cops he careened into you.

  9. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by ViperJon View Post
    Even if the guy stopped he's only going to say YOU ran into him. "He was speeding in that Viper and damn near killed me officer."
    It's not like he's going to admit to the cops he careened into you.
    2 other cars pulled over with us and said they saw it all and had my back, but i guess after suspect scooted away the second time, the witnesses probably said to thereself "uhh i didnt sign up for all that"

  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Coloviper View Post
    Part of the problem in this current world is people not taking responsibility for their actions (hit and run) and others that hang on every friggin word like they know every intent behind it and piss and moan or degrade others for their own purpose) If you could not use your head (including common sense) and clearly see that I was kidding, that is your problem. dont think (stupid) is called for.

    Was trying to lighten up an obvious stressful and bad situation for the OP, as nobody can do anything else but that for him right now. I apologize if I seem course in this response but I am truly sick and tired of people that just take their spin and twist and twist. That us the problem with email and social media. People write and read but they fail at communicating or understanding.
    Ah, nobody is twisting and twisting. Struck a nerve? Next time use the "I was just kidding button". You can't tell me that you have never heard anyone seriously propose this type of move with an insurance claim. Ididn't put a spin on anything. Wink, Wink.

  11. #36
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona
    Quote Originally Posted by texasram View Post
    Exactly, thank you, we think the same
    You're welcome. It's easy to think we would hold the person accountable and all that but is it really worth it? Plus, if you kept driving and something came off your car and goes through someonees winshield now you're at fault.

    Best to let it go and bitch about it here and people will commiserate with you and eventually it will be nothing but a memory. Just glad you are ok. Bumping at speeds can go bad, fast.

  12. #37
    Join Date
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    Viper Drive, AZ
    Quote Originally Posted by Special Ed View Post
    Ah, nobody is twisting and twisting. Struck a nerve? Next time use the "I was just kidding button". You can't tell me that you have never heard anyone seriously propose this type of move with an insurance claim. Ididn't put a spin on anything. Wink, Wink.'re clearly an idiot.

  13. #38
    Quote Originally Posted by LifeIsGood View Post're clearly an idiot.
    I wasn't commenting to you. You are like a pain in the a$$, busy body neighbor, throwing in your comments when no one asks for or wants them. Clearly an idiot gets involved where they are not invited.

  14. #39
    Join Date
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    Tucson, Arizona
    Hey guys, if I may...I know L.I.G. personally and he isn't a bad guy at all. I honestly think this is all just a misunderstanding because tone doesn't always come across correctly in text on forums. I know it's happened with me.

    I've made jokes that didn't land because they didn't read right. I think that's all that's happened here. Hopefully we can just let it go and not worry about it as no ill intent was originally meant (from my perception it seems) and get back to making the OP feel better as, fortunately on that day he was the bug instead of the windshield. Happens to all of us at some point.

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